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Pilot Josh

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  1. Dust was good but Spek surpasses him
  2. Best LT S2 ever had hands down.
  3. I usually just get called a sweaty retard by Blake but that's just me
  4. only Encore members remember those days
  5. When going undercover in Kavala basically meant being killed if you were caught
  6. Military Police United States Navy. Currently deployed to Bahrain until the end of this year https://gyazo.com/d2205c102db6b08f2005941f8164fbac
  7. Hopping out of an Orca with a vest into HQ is nothing more than average for a day in the life of the almighty Free Syrian Army
  8. I can top that https://gyazo.com/930a911a6c55831ba449610d605e82b6
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