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Everything posted by crush

  1. NOW RECRUITING FOR S1 _____________________________________________________ Requirements: -1000 Hours -Cartel Experience -Financially Stable _____________________________________________________ Application: Name: Player ID: Previous Gangs: _____________________________________________________
  2. enjoy! credit to @lukerfor the edit ❤️
  3. Thanks mate! r.e. nametags I'm really not sure tbh.. All I know is I was told to wear balaclavas so your name isn't spotted easier (someone else can debunk/confirm this but I'm happy to be proven wrong) I played around with smokes in arsenal and found that 80 contrast in AA & PP and standard/high particles helps with actual smoke visibility but again that could or couldn't have an effect on nametags Hope this helps 🙂
  4. perfection, the song - the clips just *chefs kiss*
  5. rank 1 on RDM projekt for a reason bro
  6. credit to @goyneyfor the edit ❤️
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