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Everything posted by Dork

  1. Server 1 is lacking gang activities that are vital to the everyday health of the server Looking to meet new players? Lack of gang life on S1 have you in the dumps? look no further, Evasive is a small group of guys that can successfully handle any situation that is thrown our way. Our gang is more cop focused than cartel focus because at the moment, gang life is nonexistent. When gang life picks back up, we will move our focus as needed, but right now the APD needs some source of income to maintain their saltiness from dying. We do PB's and banks a lot, with as little numbers as possible, yet still achieving victory. Store robbery success is a must. we are currently looking for more members so we can fight any time of the day and expand our rain of terror across the map, from Sofia to Kavala and every stop in between. Requirements Must be able to support themselves financially at any moment (no begging for money) Calm, pleasant manner towards other players (No hateful or racial slurs) Knowledge of Arma Physics Knowledge of PB & Banks (Cartels is a plus) Minimum of 1000 hours age 16+ Interested? Apply below: In game name: Age: Hours (Provide screenshot): Timezone: Previous gang affiliation: What are you skills (Driver, flyer, shooter, negotiator): Why do you want to join Evasive:
  2. Garden & Salse Sunchips, They are dank
  3. bet the triad lives under water next to oil
  4. No incentitive to fight cops and cartels for no reward. This is not directed towards anyone. Honestly, This has come up way too much. No reward, so fuck this game. grow up and stop whining like a fucking 4 year old. Why does everyone feel the need to be rewarded for anything they do? were you neglected so much as an adolescent that you need acceptance from a video game? Play the game to play, not so that you can get little fake rewards and boost your self esteem. People come and go, and if you dont like it anymore, you may need to find another server or a new game completely.. I still enjoy hitting the PB out numbered with a 1-5 ratio of players but that doesn't stop me from doing it and having fun.
  5. you do realize that its a cop rule to Charge people with the crime right. The cop is not doing it to be money hungry, they are doing it to prevent themselves from getting an IA report issued. GRANTED, cops do take things too far A LOT of the times. too many resapwns... too much salt... you die 10 times, dont come back
  6. thank you @Sean That Irish Guy I left my glasses at home today.
  7. probably tried to brake his wheels, you know like if you brake check a hemmt.
  8. why he try sound smart? he dumb, like erie won on intern-nets
  9. lol that was my brother playing COD
  10. i see your vocabulary is improving. how many of those words were googled in the above post prior to posting your response? you did spell syllable right this time, so....
  11. server cant even process it, so it red bars.
  12. surround sound headset. Since the new update on Gun sounds, its actually made it easier to identify enemies. The echo of the gunshot comes from a distinct portion of the battlefield making it easier to find people.
  13. Dork

    Sold an Orca

    Like stated by everyone else, Chop it, but make sure you have Zaros. you get like 95k for chopping an orca with zaros, meaning you'll be making 55k an orca.
  14. disable VON in settings. this way you dont have to listen to kids in Group or Vehicle either.
  15. its funny when a toxic gang makes a post to flame another person, they show only what they want you to see.
  16. basic tips to be better: Get rid of the carryall to get rid of that AIDS sway Drink water to reduce sway (Very minimal) Use a redgull before running get a rebels license and buy 4000 ARCO, MRCO, or RCO scopes for the trg, that ACO scope is shit
  17. that happened to me. I went to Jury but spawned in the ocean and drowned. I then re spawned to Sydney with my jail timer. Went to do a weed run and TP'd back to the prison when the timer ran out.
  18. lose the carryall m8. Sway is what is OP
  19. Thanks Sean They never showed up though , they got caught at the fed. i was going to suicide the hemmt
  20. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=644271033
  21. - What is your in-game name? Steven - How old are you? 24 - Where are you from? Daytona Beach FL - How many hours in Arma 3 do you have 2.5k, 1.5k AFK https://gyazo.com/0fc9c914d2450d52f8908ab534803b53 - Previous gangs? Instinct, Division, ATF, Wicked - Why do you think we should accept you? Because i love wrecking torment's shit
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