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Everything posted by Spanky2060

  1. Server: 3 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 3 150k Location (Town/DP#): kavala Asking Price: taking offers Description:best kavala houses Pictures/Video Walk-through:
  2. Lmao I saw that, I didn't get a screenshot though.
  3. Looking to buy abdera scotch houses server 1.
  4. Lmao!!! haven't laughed this hard since my ex-girlfriend got herpes.
  5. I currently am hiring people who can pick barley and deliver that along with other materials to my houses. I will pay $165 per barley and an added bonus if it is delivered. I will need a lot of other stuff delivered to, sometimes weapons, clothes, armor, and anything that I will need. I am willing to pay very well.
  6. Scotch really isn't that passive, people claim it is but it isn't, On server one all 5 of my house slots are in Abdera. I am making 160K each restart. That means I need to make 160 new make scotch each restart to stay on schedule. I have to either buy 160 barley or pick it. Then I need to transport all the supplies to my house. Then process it and switch it out. This overall takes around 45-60 minutes. Thats 1/3 of the restart being used for scotch. The good thing about scotch, is that there is very little risk and it doesn't require a ton of time to do a huge run unlike meth and it sells for a shitload. I would love to do DP missions for money I really enjoy driving.
  7. I don't have the money right now, i might have it later. I do have 3 lockpicks, a tactical bacon, a pickaxe, scrap metal, some peaches, 4 iron ore, and a 16 round 9mm clip. I hope we can work out a deal.
  8. Can you message me on forums it’s not letting me message you.

  9. I heard he buys his money
  10. I've only got 5,000$ on me right now but i can still buy it ill give you the 5k plus 6 iron ore 2 crystal meth a rook 19 barley 9 ephedra 4 turtle mean 42 cooked human flesh and a vehicle tracker
  11. Lmao This is perfect. I get arrested for 6 manslaughter's. The cop takes me to process me then he gives me 30 seconds to explain my charges i ask him for a higher up he asks for a reason and I say my reason is because he is giving me an insufficient time to explain charges then the higher denies it. I get arrested with no chance to explain my charges then I call the higher up and ask him why he denied it, and apparently the constable told him my reason was "because the constable's a douchebag" Its very corrupt.
  12. What is your in-game name: Username How many hours do you have in Arma 3?(Include screenshot): https://gyazo.com/dbe80d6bd61ef2f392b23b05d8457033 How active can you be?: 5 days Tell us something about yourself: I am 18 I enjoy doing feds, cartels, and gang related activities. P.S I am a virgin! What other gangs have you been a part of?: Seal Team 6 Do you have any current gang members who can vouch for you?: Ocean Man
  13. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 150k, 150k Location (Town/DP#): Kavala Asking Price: Taking Offers Description: 2 big kavala houses. Pictures/Video Walk-through: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1253431468
  14. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k/small Location (Town/DP#): weed field, cocaine processing DP 21 Asking Price: taking offers Description: small best weed field house. Cocaine processing small house DP 21 Pictures/Video Walk-through: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/921415784073810649/8C8209B023E2C1E90DBFEAAD5548828C5EED09B4/ http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1245357267
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