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Everything posted by Diseased

  1. Be Korean! Or have a habit of pulling the plug xD
  2. Thanks for all the love, maybe one day I will be able to play the server again. My top 10 would be the guys who taught me how to "cartel" in BB and the beginning of Insanity, skill never really bothered me to much it was about having fun and not getting shit on 24/7
  3. still have server 2 / 4 houses
  4. Selling best Pyrgos Gang Houses on servers 1-4. msg me on forums for details / screenshots!
  5. Diseased

    The War Room

    lol. same shit for past several months, i'd advising playing cs:go or league where numbers are fair and stupidity is at its highest. or you know just quit the internet.
  6. I will still be streaming Albion though boys don't you worry!
  7. Lol, doubtful, maybe over breaks and summer but it's literally Day 1 of school and already have alot of shit to do.
  8. Time to do this Was fun while it lasted over the last few years but i think the fun is over. Great server, peace out boys. ( New remix )
  9. Diseased

    League yo.

    Over watch is a joke cartoon. League is were real tentacle porn lovers reside.
  10. Diseased

    League yo.

    No one really, I normally play viktor/azir/ahri/velkoz and I play everything but support .
  11. Diseased

    League yo.

    If you can buy them for me.
  12. Diseased

    League yo.

    Looking for some Plat ppl to q with. Don't be shit and don't q mid lane. Msg me for info. NA : Wirty Dord add me
  13. All in good fun and idk if hes banned or not, but tbh i dont think anyone cares.
  14. Zeffy is blind, he wasn't suppose to be behind the wheel, its the APD's fault for giving him his license in the first place.
  15. still on the forums but wont log on"!!!!
  16. I refuse to fight cops. I only fight other rebels.
  17. Blames of ddos, one and done, waste of time, takes 30 minutes to fight, crying about numbers, no where the same as it once was. People literally do not fight cartels because someone is being "toxic" on the internet, back in the day if you shit talked that just made the other gang want to go to the cartel and kick your ass, now it just makes that gang log off.
  18. Take a break, been on a two week break and it's great. Hopefully when I come back it'll be fun again but atm the new updates are ok but for me I don't like playing the server due to the mentality of the people who.fight cartels.
  19. find a name u guys like already ffs changing the name every 2 weeks is confusing
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