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Everything posted by Diseased

  1. I went to Leady @Patato and he agreed that it was indeed VDM. I will sit the ban but i do not understand how admins can be allowed to ban for what occurred in the video. i have been on this server much longer than most people and had several very long discussions with old CMs. i understand that not all admins can pay attention to things nor do i except it. however, i can not see how what I did in this video should grant a 3 day ban whenever it clearly shows me HOLDING BRAKE and i hit the car going 20 km/h when ever he drove in my path.
  2. happily stay banned would rather play a game where people like roguepilot can do this and other admins wont step in and do anything. if anything this was VDM or intentional then fuck off, imagine banning someone for 3 days because i blocked you
  3. just funny how bad blood has fought against corrupt admins and hackers/lagswitchers for the entire of asylum and roguepilot was there to witness it all and he turns into the same thing we all hate. RIP. asylum 3.0 was fun while it lasted but i don't see the server going in a right direction when people are scared to hurt others feelings and allow admins to do stupid things and allow sketchy players who are known hackers and abusers continue to abuse the game. no wonder why a large wave of rebels are already fed up.
  4. seems intentional to me sir why are u wondering why that is 3 day ban
  5. https://gyazo.com/74810779059d2b91c473875a0ae07ac6
  6. nice montage, im a boomer so how do you get ifrit smokes to look like that?
  7. buying dp 21 or a good meth house
  8. Any gangs still fighting on the server? I'd enjoy a cartel or two.
  9. Wait people thought he wasn't always cheating xD
  10. I miss my boys baboosh smoke and big boss ;( and nice memory. surreal how long i have been playing on this server.
  11. Also from kitui; allow mags to come back on going to lobby / exiting game. they cost like nothing and its just a nuisance to have so many mags at 3-5 bullets capacity on you.
  12. im trying. but i also threw in cop v rebel things as well. i know a lot of people don't like playing in "gangs" but i feel thats where the main/dedicated playerbase comes from is when you get people making groups / friends to play the game together and actually be rewarded by playing with friends instead of penalized.
  13. seanfittybread & diseased This man is a ddosing genus. Make cartels better again by: Buffing orcas ( these things are fucking paper ). Buff ifrits ( paper tanks ). Remove quilins ( too op ) Make holding cartels exponentially better the longer you hold them as in hold arms/drug for 1 hour straight and recieve 50k + all other money made by drug sales. every hour after is doubled so like this . Bad blood holds meth for 1 hours = 50k 2 hours = 100k 3 hours 200k. since there are only 2 servers this will give gangs a reason to actually contest cartels and hold them. Remove seatbelt shit. I swear you lose hp just by driving. get rid of alot of this pointless shit like oil / rubber. and skiptracer base. make cop bullets actually balanced not 6.5 one shotting rebels. bring back dp missions being good. like honestly at this point i think people just want to play and have fun shouldn't really be about the money anymore because most of the veteran players are already rich af so allow noobs and lazy fucks like me a passive way of just making some money instead of having to deal with meth 24/7. give more incentives for cartels / banks / feds. remove vans from feds jumping into the fed. bring back deerstands. more $ for banks. more $ for feds. only reason ( only experience we have ) bad blood had so much tempo/reasons to play is because you could do feds and banks and give everyone in you gang enough money to play on for a few days. now its dogshit money unless you only have like 4-5 people. biased pov from a rebel / cartel player but honestly the list above is things where the server was at its peak and now i feel there is a less of a skill cap as there ever was so rebel v cop is alot more balanced than it was in the BB era, so i think we just revert alot of these changes. any criticism or feedback is appreciated. we want the best for the new asylum and just throwing out ideas to make it better.
  14. post screenshot of ur house ill buy it for reasonable price. 150k or 220k only.
  15. they unbanned SFB and servers recovered? coincidence?
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