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Everything posted by Diseased

  1. Sean and I started the trend. It's getting out of control.
  2. Always looking for non toxic ex-gang leader of cheaters to carry babooshka and i. Will return the favor for free arma carry.
  4. Yea you can't really "rush" considering you can get shot out of an orca with one bullet and somehow I see people dying from ifrits every fight.
  5. Normally only about 3-4 of us are on when most gangs fight, and we go out and watch the fights about 1.2km out and somehow we still get shot in the back. I'm also not a fan of 3 way fights at all.
  6. Nothing will change, the people who currently are in "gang life" are not like they were back in the day. People won't fight if they don't have the advantage. People won't fight if you are being toxic. Peoe normally are one and done, although the new cartel changes seem to have stopped this. I don't really think anything will be done with the snipers.
  7. It's 116k/hour if you hold all 3 cartels. ( passive money ) Not that we were out of money we had to craft orcas / Ifrits because we haven't played Altis for a few months.
  8. It takes you 35 min to get 300k from cartels? Jesus share your secret.
  9. Yea would be nice, it's not really about the money for me, but it does help.
  10. Fix ddos. Server been restarted ab 10 times.
  11. Y menu isnt dropping again whooop
  12. Need people who can hold an mk1 and has access to atleast 15% of their brain capacity.
  13. Thought you were that Pete guy. "3k hours I'm quitting" Comes back two days later.
  14. Didn't watch this video but.... Fuck glo.
  15. Just be aware of the people logging into the server. Most gang members log out at donor rebel.
  16. Its not about the money tho. kappa
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