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Posts posted by JJay.

  1. On 3/9/2018 at 1:15 PM, thero said:

    if you are going to troll why would you say something so unbelievable.. you are supposed to say something believable so you piss people off, not flat out lie, cuz then ppl know ur trolling

    all i see in chat is temper people dying to those kids, not sure why these temper guys have such a big ego anyways

  2. In-Game Name: JJay.

    Age: 17

    Estimated Asylum Time{screenshot}: around 3000, on phone atm

    Bank Balance{screenshot}: 200k

    Have you ever been banned, if so why? yea but long time ago for vdm

    Do you have a mic and Discord?yes ofc

    Current and Past Gangs? instinct tenacity depravity lawless the dogs and a few more

    If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave?not in one

    Why do you want to join our gang?got a few buddies joining, im close friends with cloud 

    Are you in the APD, if so, what rank?constabull

    Do you know any members of our gang?motion and cloud

  3. In-game name: JJAY


    Are you a squeaker?:no

    Arma 3 hours (screenshot):https://gyazo.com/517b94739a91e2c761638dfa7dc541c5

    Location/Timezone:na east

    Past/Current Gangs:Wicked, the dogs and more

    Bank Balance: 500k

    Do you have discord?:yes

    Discord username and tag:JJay

    Why do you want to join Men Of Mayhem ?to get a solid group of players to kill ppl and make money with.

    What can you offer to MoM ? good shot,comms, and piloting

    Are there any current members who can vouch for you? If so list them: rev4p


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