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Infamous [FULL SEND]

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Everything posted by Infamous [FULL SEND]

  1. Thank you for making this thread, as this issue has been resolved; topic will now be LOCKED.
  2. I believe currently, it's kept like this so mic spamming is not aids and cancer.
  3. just dont put them in cities, the 50 guys camping buildings in cherno is the last thing I'd ever want to play.
  4. https://streamable.com/t075g1 ????
  5. bro I aint gonna lie, these caps look like snooze fests. It would be more fun to have 50 guys camping buildings in cherno.
  6. and don't even say "oH iT GiVeS a CoMpEtItVe AdVanTaGe" BECAUSE EVERYONE CAN HAVE IT OFF SO NO ADVANTAGE WOULD BE HAD BECAUSE YOU WILL ALL HAVE NO GRASS. Also it add like fucking 30 fps so fucking make it possible.
  7. what you should do is GTA sussy amongus RP copy cat, and make it so we can buy CEO buildings and we can buy safe upgrades to put money in it and show how rich we are and then we have a sussy computer that we can start Cargo missions or import vehicle missions like sussy GTA V and then we can sell them by driving an amongus truck 15 klicks to the drop off point and it gives you good money!
  8. Alright here's the thing bub, yes the UI looks fucking amazing and the whole thing you did with draw 3d is fucking sick. But we do not care about a new UI, it's not going to magically make dom more fun apart from making it look POG AF. what we need are new Domination zones either on altis (not preferred) or on maps like cherno (something to stop it from being so repetitive) if it really comes down to it i'll make some events that can be added into the server.
  9. Henry is not the man for the job, give me the mission file and domination will get some much needed love! then go for it! i'd love to see what you guys come up with
  10. it's not, all it is, is faggots sitting on roofs or in buildings that you CANNOT pen AT ALL, cherno is best map! this is henry we're talking about, have you seen east arms on the normal asylum server? unless someone goes in sahrani and makes some with normal arma 3 building thats we can pen it's going to be horrible.
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