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Posts posted by RobbyDoggy

  1. 6 minutes ago, justi said:

    Can any staff explain the Bh changes? What is a low priority target?


    7 minutes ago, Demon! said:

    i think it means when we used to drop those shitter bounties and keep getting them it would now be a higher chance to give us a different bounty and keep that one at a low priority''the one we droppped''


  2. 21 hours ago, netflixnchil said:

    then it would be fail RP, Everything i suggested isnt hardcore RP. 

    Your trying to say that medics should be able to run around with a gun to kill people etc? How is that any form of rp? show me some medics Irl that have a gun with them. None of them do, This isn't "hardcore RP". This is to bring some form of RP into asylum, as there currently isn't any for medics

    i did not say they should have guns, did not mean that.   I meant how is the medic custody thing going to work with no guns or zips, to do that they would have to have guns. i dont want medic to have guns kavala is bad enough...  I just see the whole custody thing being over used for rebles wont be killed by other rebles bc they are in medic custody


  3. 6 hours ago, Uncle Bob said:

    medics are pigs

    also the "rp" you suggest is becoming like one of these heavy rp servers where you can't even have a gun on you.Srsly now medic/police custody was the most retarded thing of your suggestions.

    Yes i agree with uncle bob,  how are medic going to be able to put civs in custody when they cant hold a gun or zips,  even if that was a thing that can be taken to far, for they wont get killed or taken by cops and rebles

  4. 16 minutes ago, Tom Kappa said:

    Would love to know why this happened. BEFORE I GET STUPID FUCKING COMMENTS

    1.  No I clearly didn't miss

    2. I'm not the only member that wasn't able to kill him

    3. Cadet was still able to down other members and restrained one of my guys in fed


    And im not trying to be toxic, Just please tell me what caused this to happen so I can try to avoid it ty


    Hey man that was me tonight I got in the fed then my internet died I was just sitting there watching everyone teleport and stuff so I logged off for the night it was lag in my part not urs I think my mom reset the router sorry :/

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