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The Monopoly Man

Retired APD Captain
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Everything posted by The Monopoly Man

  1. NEW APD PLAYTIME REQUIREMENTS With the return of Splunk, comes with a change of playtime requirements. These changes are effective immediately LT Activity requirements 8 interviews 12 total activities 20 hours of ingame playtime Every interview an LT conducts after meeting his 8 minimum interviews will remove 2 hours required from his monthly cop playtime Only a max of 10 hours can be removed from an LT, still requiring a minimum of 10 SGT Activity requirements 2 ridealongs 8 total activities 20 hours of ingame playtime Every ride-along a SGT conducts after meeting his 2 minimum ride-alongs will remove 3 hours required from his monthly cop playtime Only a max of 9 hours can be removed from a SGT, still requiring a minimum of 11 CORPORAL Activity requirements 10 hours every month These in-game requirements will automatically apply for the months we have splunk If we do not have splunk it will revert back to the original requirements. Thank you
  2. New APD Policy Update The APD can patrol debug island and lethal any criminals logging in.
  3. Well it looks like visiting the prisoners is no longer a thing
  4. Can't tell, ask the community since I haven't personally promoted any females ever
  5. Welcome back to asylum Angela! According to the community I seem to be a pretty popular pick with the ladies around here. I hope you enjoy your return!
  6. Thank you for the updates bamf, appreciate the communication
  7. Can't be thirsty for something you already have
  8. I agree with that, removing defibs that way would receive enormous amounts of negativity from the community. I like the penalty for not being revived by a non medic, but there needs to be something better in place to make people rely on medics alot more.
  9. I missed waking up in the morning, brewing a fresh cup of coffee, and checking the latest drama on Asylum Exposed
  10. We never nerfed feds, we never made any policy update regarding feds, it was the implementation of vans by bohemia that Bamf approved to not be deemed exploiting when vaulted on. I have some ideas for the fed that would more than likely make people rob it again, but that is stuck behind a developer wall currently.
  11. TBH, I never even saw feds before vans came around. The captains discussed the usage of vans and have came to a conclusion that no changes will be made at the time. That's all I can say for now.
  12. Our main reason for the new policy update was to increase the interaction between the APD/Rebels due to how lackluster it has been all around for both factions and to remove any such thing as a "safe place". We are going to see how the policy update works out over the coming weeks and adjust/remove it if needed possibly using some of those ideas. Also, I was never aware this was a thing on Olympus. Good to know as I can now look into seeing how it went. So my response to any future complaints about this before we have time to see how it fares will be this.
  13. Cause Captain is alot different than LT/Sgt
  14. The captains of the APD would like to extend a formal thank you to the amazing @Sijanecfor coming up with this idea years ago. Without his sort of expertise and knowledge, we never would have tapped into this sort of potential.
  15. For massi to purchase me a house
  16. HVT is a needed APD policy however it has been abused quite a few times. Currently, there is no APD policy that can be put in place to fix the major abuse of HVT, a new developer addition can, as per my suggestion. This is to promote fairplay between the factions and give the opposing side a very small timeframe to at least make an attempt to rescue their friends. After observing HVT over the years, I have noticed it is used more and more often every year, reducing the interactions and encounters with rebels at police HQs. Now for the cops this is obviously good for them as it means easy money with little to no risk of resistance as trying to save an HVT is very extremely difficult for the majority of Asylum players once he reaches the HQ. I have also observed that Prison breaks have had a major decrease in being done over the past couple years as well (Yes I know this is a dev issue). A captains job is to promote fairplay and fun between the factions, and right now there isn't much fun. Asylum has been in a state of decline recently and these are one of my suggestions that will increase the fights and interactions between the sides. The captains have discussed this suggestion before and have agreed this is a much needed addition on asylum to make the HVT process more fun and enjoyable. I would rather not remove the HVT process entirely (As the captains have discussed this quite a lot before), but if it continues to be abused heavily and we can't come up with some sort of middle ground, it more than likely will.
  17. I pitched this exact Idea to the Devs months ago with more in-depth detaill, haven't gotten a response about it. There will be Pillboxes in every HQ, set far away enough from the area where you can send them to jail (So you can't send them from inside the pillbox). Once the officer takes the fugitive inside, he will scroll on the pillbox and get an option to "Begin HVT process". Once selected, this will begin the HVT Process and automatically lock the pillbox door with the officer(s) and fugitive inside for 3-5 minutes. The doors cannot be opened until the timer has passed or until it is lockpicked by rebels. Once the timer starts, this gives the rebel time to inform his friends that they have 3-5 minutes to come save him. Once the timer passes, the door automatically opens and the officer is then able to bring the suspect over to the area that will let him send the fugitive to jail.
  18. Should be half off on origin right now. The only thing that can redeem the game at this point is the future dlcs characters and maps. Still a fun game though for 30 bucks.
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