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Patrick Swayze

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Everything posted by Patrick Swayze

  1. you should look into buying tissues to dry ur tears
  2. why is there a please dont spam drop message when dropping shit again? it is so annoying
  3. @ObiWokiwhat changes were made to excavating? clearly some were made but they were not notated
  4. The server messages are way too frequent, ive been told to join the discord/forums/ts like 15 times now. Solid patch though good work.
  5. no one fights at this location. it's dog shit. please change location to somewhere else that will actually be fun to fight at.
  6. why gold bars? literally the most inconvenient thing to get from excavating lmfao. just remove gold bars and make golden nuggets a little more rare, problem solved.
  7. i know how the inventory system works, it's just incredibly frustrating to use. Sometimes it takes like 5 clicks to change the value of what you're dropping, and typing it in is just a pain in the ass. I've done over 300 inventories of excavating and this most recent update not allowing for "spam" dropping has made it so much worse. It wouldn't be so bad if we had a "drop all of selected" button that would do exactly what it says, drop all of the highlighted item. Obviously i am not a dev, so all of this is probably easier said than done, but the inventory menu could definitely use some QOL changes.
  8. why tf was dropping inventory items made even more aids? it now does not let you spam drop shit and it's bad enough that the inventory ui hasnt changed in like 6 years. why isn't there a drop all button or something? or let us drop items over the amount that we have, so if I had 10 lockpicks and the item above that i have 20 of, let me have 20 typed in and just drop the 10 i have
  9. well now that racism is allowed on asylum, can we allow vdm and unban me? i think that's fair @Mitch (IFRIT)
  10. holding group chat while driving in front of someone were some of the best times ive ever had. they were indeed sick times, glad we can finally agree on something, squeezewood.
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