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Everything posted by DosWolf

  1. DosWolf


    Love how you say retarded comebacks all I said to you was truth and facts not a comeback. You're mad that you got banned in our TS and could not hang with us. Just get over it man shit its like you're in some dramatic high school break up move on.
  2. DosWolf


    Are we still crying squidward? Go for a walk my dude your comments mean nothing. Move on
  3. DosWolf


    Sure any shitter like you would cry more and have a hella delayed response. And yeah I like to give money to the community of streamers that stream Asylum. I guess if you have money to throw around we blow lmao get a job. Ask @Mitch (IFRIT) if you want to blow him so bad I mean you sound really jealous.
  4. DosWolf


    Mad cause banned from our TS sorry we do not allow retards
  5. DosWolf


    Hiya and welcome to Asylum
  6. DosWolf


    Primitive does that ^ they also have apps on the forums where anyone can join. Their members mainly have about 300 hours so if you are new you will fit right in. Also if you're really good at crying in side chat about rdm then you are even more set for their gang! They really do loving capping the side chat cartels on every server.
  7. How the hell you use that panel shit tho
  8. It has gotta a whole lot easier to get whitelisted to the APD these days so you should have no problem ODD.
  9. Welcome back to Asylum! Hope to see you around.
  10. paid* you do not want bada to correct you
  11. Can we bring this back and have it still empty peoples fuel after being used that shit was so funny and useful! (Just in case you forgot after it was used it gave you a fuel can in return)
  12. Rocky is the one who found it we are on S3 rn I was just posting the map details
  13. Congratulations to our new Support Team! @Akeelagi @Gaskal @Gen. Henry Arnold @RoguePilot @Samperino @Smarty @Silver-Spy PM them if you require any assistance or need help getting set up on Asylum! They know da way.
  14. HAHAHA! Fuck ya thats it exdee. Its funny cause the guy shooting is aiming like a bot but still got the job done lol
  15. Still bad even today so it prolly happens everyday so guess it is not so special after all
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