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Everything posted by Dredge

  1. It is supported, but right now it isn't allowing it. Might be a forum permission thing, admins would have to verify
  2. It normally doesnt happen in vbulletin either. But once one person mucks it up and people quote it it keeps the muck up going lol
  3. Nah, he prob just deleted too much to tidy his post. It happens
  4. Those are reputation bars. The more posts that people like, the higher your "reputation" gets. It doesn't do anything other than show you make posts people like a lot.
  5. Do we have to worry about giving our pimps a cut?
  6. https://gyazo.com/91b3d5bbf27b208dc80fea410805964c
  7. It may just be a case of wait until release version (1 or 2 months iirc) or roll the forum back to 4th version.
  8. Pretty much. vBulletin5 is technically a Beta right now and they are trying new things. The way it is laid out is so mobile users see the forums in a compressed format so they don't have to download tapatalk or zoom in on small links when the full site is rendered. They thought it was a happy medium' date=' but I hate it lol. There are settings for the cache that can be tweaked, but I dont know if it will help all that much. Like I mentioned vBulletin 5 is currently beta software and not all of the bugs have been ironed out. The admin(s) can certainly adjust settings for how fast the forums update and the like but they may be limited by the actual forum software at this point.
  9. Basically the way you did it. However, it needs to be check marked in the AdminCP to allow signature images. This is something the admin staff will have to do when they get around to it. @Infamy, there is no reason to get all salty people just have general operation questions with the new interface. While they are waiting for comp requests and the like they are learning how to use the new forum.
  10. They cant really complain, knowing that they are held responsible before recruiting. Officers would just have to take the time to get to know them and see if they are the kind of candidate that the APD is looking for.
  11. Smirnoff can you post a picture of what your forum looks like on your device? On my Galaxy I am getting the full page, however it is compressed to fit my screen. There is no mobile option turned on right now from what i can see. Just the variations of the large theme. Afaik with vBulletin 5 it is desinged this way to be a middle ground between full mobile and full site looks. As for marking forums read, I have yet to find the mark read for all of the forums however if you click on the parent channel (the name in the header of each section) down at the bottom you can mark all channels within that section as read EDIT: Check the top left under sections there is a mark channels read for me The posting time has to do with the way vBulletin communicates with the server and how often information is pusbed back and forth between forum and host. Tweaking these settings is kind of hit and miss (it was for me anyway) it also affects the settings for how soon after you read a forum its marked as read with the different icon. Instant updates is very server intensive so the admins have to find a happy medium with the data rates
  12. Is there a "Dismiss" button?
  13. Which functions in particular? vBulletin has a lot of functionality
  14. It is possible to have vBulletin look like the old forums' date=' however vBulletin 5 (which this forum is) wont. It would need to be the older version like I am running here:
  15. Eh. Autocorrect. But i see what you did...their........
  16. Hey all, I know some of you are new to vBulletin style forums so you can use this thread to ask questions you may have about it. I have been using vBulletin forums since 09 and have managed my own forums using the system since about 2012. If you have questions about it post up! I would be happy to help.
  17. I doubt it would happen but what if 17 for those applying the old way Under 17 if personally vouched for by a sgt or above? Sort of like being recruited. The recruiter would be helf responsible for his recruits actions. This would make sure that they only vouch for people whom they KNOW will follow the rules and be an asset to APD
  18. In the ts meeting they said they are currently working on all of that and didnt specifically mention a time frame when it would be fixed. They said to play civ and try to recoup your losses while you wait
  19. Yea. Please RP it. I have lost count of how many BH'ers that just run up and say "freeze" while they are shooting. I wouldnt mind being "tackled" if there was some RP behind it.
  20. From twitter "hopefully this time next year"
  21. Dredge

    Star Wars Ep 7

    They had the most awesome lightsaber battle on top of that AT-AT while it was stepping on Jawas
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