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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Cynica

  1. I think it has been said before by admin staff and that is why someone 'assumes' it is exploiting, that's what I think. Anyway, can we can get the post back on the rails?
  2. He's just saying you own the retard, god Jimbo, basic grammar.
  3. TIL there is a deposit all button.
  4. Not going to lie, I am a bit jealous.
  5. I am part of the largest gang on the server for a few years in a row. We call ourselves the APD and we are only good when we synergize well. My tip to you is start working on callouts and communications. Arma is a very tactics oriented game and without proper calls outs your tactics will be shit.
  6. If you are doing it intentionally...then yes it is, much like Adrenaline Shots. Also no, I would not say no as I know how to deal with the situation, a lot of people are doing it with the intention of not having to pay their bounty or serve their time.
  7. Plead to the 5th, however I am going to preemptively post this.
  8. Fun tip, if you record your audio in audacity you can get the sound of your gunshots and without the sound of your voice. Good shooting though, at least for this potato (me).
  9. It has been said several times that it is still exploting. It is using a function for a non intended purpose.
  10. Ahh, so you got a huge bounty and still got parole, huh? I bet now you are going to go threaten an officer to get that ticket and get your parole removed. As it has been said multiple times that this is exploiting, but you do it anyway, so badass. I have a solution to fix this issue of ours. Change the person's name on the wanted list to red if they are on parole. If you wanted to be really creative change their name to yellow if they are on parole and red if they have broken parole. This would give a clear indicator if someone was on parole and would make it much easier to recognize if someone was.
  11. Ahh, then they must be using a different database on one to make sure there are no hidden variables for their testing purposes.
  12. I am sure they have taken measures to ensure that the database is being synchronized between the 5 of them. This is very simple offloading the data to a centralized database.
  13. To my knowledge, Splunk operates on its own dedicated server, and should not be affected.
  14. Dang it @bamf now I have to fingerprint and footprint the network all over again...
  15. Cops dont have backpacks...unless they are UC
  16. Well I am out of the loop. I had no idea this existed. I've still been telling cadets to impound vehicles. Back when I was a cadet they would just pull out ATVs and impound them...its cheaper.
  17. Congratulations to @HapHazard for making it from Cocaine Processing to Bank without an accident. Below is your gold star, wear it proudly. "I love sand in my foreskin." -Haphazard, 2016
  18. Just spam a moderator with messages about your comp request on the forums.
  19. Yep, I even say it in the channel for my Go-Pro.
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