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APD Officer
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Everything posted by instamac

  1. instamac


    Do you really think it will sky rocket on Legions launch? Either way I am playing WoW again so my choices are Nostalrius or level a character on regular.
  2. pull out the handy baseball bat and force em into the uber shit shack where everyone else who cant pay goes, until their body's decay and their last lifeless breathe escapes their bodies and their eyes beat one final frame they shall rot like the dirty peasants they are.
  3. In game name: instamac Hours in Arma: (+1000) https://gyazo.com/543309018fea3e3708364d22307ae255 If under 18 age: 17 Previous Gangs: Late Night Mafia, and multiple gangs not worth mentioning. What can you bring to the team: I am a solid player who you can count on to be where you need me to be and perform how you would expect any other member too. I am not a insane player like some people but I am above average player who can get the job done fast and correct without adding extra obstacles to our path of success. Ive been told that I am good driver but again, just above average. I am a team oriented player who can take orders and execute them. I have been playing Asylum for about 15 months and I know how things with cartels and the APD work. Im looking for a serious gang that knows what they want and has shared knowledge of Asylum.
  4. I am forcing my self to feel sentimental about the server closing but ive never played on 5
  5. MattyB stays real even through these posers.
  6. In-game name: instamac Age: 17 Timezone: Pacific Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/a307f477a03c8152e64db7aa44ed8df8 Previous gang affiliations: Late Night Mafia, Beserker Why we should accept you: I have always wanted a solid gang that actually knows how to play the game and shares common interest so we can rule supreme on any server. I have always been part of some kind of squad and am always learning new things from my mistakes. I am a good shot and I am a not an anchor that weighs the gang down rather than helping it grow. I have been playing Asylum for a very long time so I wont need any explaining on how any things works. I respect my hire ups and my team mates at all times and try to bring the best out of anyone I am associated with. Any extra information: I am a constable on the APD.
  7. Age: 17Location/Timezone: Pacific Arma 3 hours(screenshot): https://gyazo.com/eb787693bad33deb42e6bf58f66a4967 Asylum hours(Approx.): 700 Previous gangs: Late Night Mafia, Beserker Do you have cartel experience?: In all areas, yes. Why do you want to join us?: I would like to join because I think your gang can be successful, it just needs more reliable drama free members like myself. I have seen what gangs with strong foundation can do and I want to be a part of that. What can you bring to the Bokkenrijders?: I can hit shots, play as a carry rather than an anchor and respect the other members in a chain of command. I am an Asylum Veteran and have played with multiple combat realism groups so I know how valuable tactical communications are.
  8. In-Game Name: instamac Age: 17 Estimated Asylum Time: 750 Bank Balance: 600k Have you ever been banned? exploit, long time ago. Do you have a mic and TeamSpeak? yea Current and Past Gangs? Late Night Mafia If in a current gang, why are you looking to leave? n/a Why do you want to join our gang? I I have been looking for a gang that does not take themselves so seriously but also puts in the time and maturity to be dominant on the server. I have been playing for a pretty long time and I think I am capable of being a standout player in a gang and bring a gang to the most respected top gangs. Do you know any members of our gang? Joey
  9. If you like Trailer Park Boys you might like "Angry Boys". You can find it on HBO or tpb.
  10. I've been looking for these jail scripts forever, thanks.
  11. I will perform a private concert for the winning gang if they so wish. (Katy Perry only obviously)
  12. This has the vehicle/backpack capacity's, just ignore the other stuff unless your running meth.
  13. Look into the FinalMouse 2016 if you play mainly FPS games, has one of the best trackers on the market. Also the indent on the side gives extra comfort and control.
  14. What is your in-game name?: roca How old are you?: 17 What country / timezone do you live in?: Pacific Time Zone How many hours do you have on Arma 3 and Asylum? (Screenshot): What are you previous gangs, and why did you leave?: Late Night Mafia (over a year ago), I left because most of our members left after the big 6.0 Why do you want to join Wicked?: I have no doubt that you guys will be the next big gang on server 1. I feel like I would fit right in with the other members, the name wicked has been showing up every where since Instinct fell from power. I am the type of person you want to recruit because i can follow orders and deliver results without causing trouble or drama. What do you consider yourself to be good at?: Well, from my many months on asylum I have always been improving my shot to the point where I can out aim almost everyone on the server. I have been playing with friends who don't take the game as seriously as I do and have constantly held me back. I have been told I am a good driver but that might be because I rarely crash. I specialize in guerrilla warfare but am also gifted at ambush and close quarter combat. Although on civilian I enjoy killing cops I am also a constable on the APD. Since I am on the APD I can constantly sustain myself with money and load outs. I have much experience with cartels, banks , and feds and can help Wicked capture and keep them. I hope you consider my application so I can help wicked rise to the top of the Asylum legends. IRL I do stand up comedy at children's hospitals, scuba dive, and in-game I can give inspirational speeches before firefights or even sing your favorite Katy Perry song.
  15. Such a chill song for murdering countless people lol. nice shots
  16. Was really hoping it would explode tbh.
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