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Everything posted by Trioxide

  1. I’m willing and capable to pay whatever the price.
  2. It would definitely be a nerf to oil cartel, but hopefully they would find some way to balance it. Roaches camping to kill you when you grab the money might also be a problem. Are you saying all the money should go to the flag, or the money from people doing runs should go to the gang account while the flag generates money separately? I kind of like the first option more, but it would be a huge change to how cartels work. It would take some getting used to. Sorry, what’s a fridge?
  3. I’m willing to pay something they would accept. Which ones?
  4. Seriously? I’ve been playing every day for a month and haven’t seen any of them.
  5. Which of these have been removed besides shipwrecks? Are either UFO’s or plane crashes still in the game?
  6. It would serve the exact same purpose as it does in house inventories, and it would be just as useful. Being able to order your several dozen vehicles in a certain way would be nice. It should be a pretty easy addition to make for the devs as well; just implement the same code that's used for house inventories.
  7. Monument Valley is a brand new gang that I have created. Our goals are to recruit a sufficient number of players and form a small but strong gang. This isn't necessarily meant to be a long-term thing, but it is meant to be a solution for players who, like me, find themselves without a group to play with. If you are interested in joining, please respond below with your Discord tag, and I will invite you to our Discord server and ask you a few short questions before inviting you to the gang. Edit: You can just join the Discord with the link below instead of commenting here. https://discord.gg/cXSHBz2PKJ
  8. some variety would be nice. a bit of moody weather once in a rare while would be really awesome.
  9. yeah, but people still very rarely use shotguns. This wouldn't exactly make them more common, but people would keep them in their houses to execute people for this purpose. and it would be hilarious.
  10. they can get a hospital respawn. and you cant do that a lot of the time
  11. If you get shot in the head with a shotgun, you go straight to the respawn screen. It would be fucking funny. It would also give more purpose to shotguns. It would allow you to force someone to respawn, ensuring that they lose all physical items on their body.
  12. yeah I don't think it looks like that anymore lol
  13. yeah but maybe it's the beginning of the end of the dry season. I don't think anyone is suggesting it rain for 4 hours. I was thinking 15 to 30 minutes.
  14. If there's dynamic weather, then it should definitely affect those things. It's supposed to. Right, it was just an example. Maybe tweak it this time and make it much less common/prevalent? I feel like there's definitely a degree at which most players would like it.
  15. I think this should do it, super simple: //Executed globally on initialization if (random 10 < 0.1) then { [] spawn { sleep 600 + random 11400; 900 setFog 0.8; sleep 900; 900 setFog 0; }; }; if (random 10 < 0.1) then { [] spawn { sleep 600 + random 11400; 900 setRain 0.8; sleep 900; 900 setRain 0; }; }; if (random 10 < 0.1) then { [] spawn { sleep 600 + random 11400; [900, 0.8] remoteExec ["setOvercast"]; sleep 900; [900, 0] remoteExec ["setOvercast"]; }; }; Maybe it would affect performance, but I can't see it doing so to the extent that it isn't worth it. Especially if it only has about a 30% chance to occur for only 30 minutes per restart.
  16. Edit: After looking at the results of the poll, I think adding a little bit of dynamic weather to the game would be great. If it was short and rare, it would satisfy those who wanted it without bothering those who don’t. Wouldn't that be so nice? I feel like it's very much needed. Sunny weather is great and all, but it's boring af when it never changes. If it was implemented, this is how I would do it: Each restart has a 10% chance to include rain, a 10% chance to include fog, and a 10% chance to include an overcast. Rain, fog, and overcast each occur for 30 minutes at a random point during the restart. According to the BI wiki, this should be easily doable. I'm honestly a little confused about why this isn't already a thing, unless it's somehow a performance issue. It can be as rare as it needs to be.
  17. If they bring it back, they should only enable small bets, like a maximum of 10k.
  18. It’s currently listed for 5 mil, make offers
  19. Okay, I have 2 RGN grenades. How much? I don’t, but can you even use those on civ?
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