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  1. It’s on a case by case basis. They aren’t gonna ban people without thinking.
  2. Bother going into more detail to explain what insured vehicles actually are and how they would work?
  3. Trioxide


    That's true, but not a very likely scenario
  4. Trioxide


    It doesn't matter if they don't do anything with the information. They might accidentally hit the search button.
  5. I dont think there would be anything wrong with using that location for this event.
  6. what's aids about it?? it has meth, uranium, phosphorus, etc. better than other cities
  7. yeah I see what you mean. it honestly makes no sense to me that pyrgos is dead tho, seems like it should be the most popular city tbh
  8. Seems like this house would go for ~5 mi, at least it would have a little while ago. Taking offers 5 mil + doesnt mean I'm asking for any more. What's a reasonable price?
  9. Taking offers 5 mil + https://imgur.com/a/hlcrJiq Edit: nevermind, I'll just list it. It's a pretty good house, just saying
  10. Trioxide

    NVG Suggestion

    the full screen NV only exists for a special variant which only comes in brown.
  11. Actually, you know what they could do? They could replace a bunch of broken sheds around the map with actual sheds. Maybe like half of them. That would do it.
  12. It really doesn't make sense that an unfinished building that literally has no walls would be ownable as housing... And, there's no way they would make them equal to sheds, so it wouldn't really fix the problem anyway. I love the intellect.
  13. I'm liberal and I'm offended haha Seriously, though, explain how liberalism is a "disease that needs to be contained in order for society to function properly going forward"....
  14. Probably, but it will be quite fun for a little while at least. Don't apply politics to a video game, you moron.
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