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Everything posted by PGone

  1. When Biden gets on the plane, watch the steps. Isn't Biden scared?
  2. I hope my bullet hits his toe
  3. The meaning is very deep, self-experience
  4. Very much agree with Unless you're the owner, good luck It's a forced move, and we don't want it, but your teammates are deliberately using the delay switch
  5. @Mitch (IFRIT) You still owe me a.50 pickup truck
  6. https://gyazo.com/829b84d4f8c0d00a55523cba06cf545c
  7. More videos will be posted when they are uploaded
  8. Thank you for the gold bar. Thank you
  9. No, as long as it's not suspected of corruption
  10. I haven't received a gift package from the management for a long time😍
  11. Now download an anti-virus software, your network has been controlled by Chinese Internet authorities, fuck you
  12. Yes, this is the actual situation, some administrators forbid him to walk on your head and chat with you, or do not answer you, do not accept any explanation from you, I understand your feeling, but you have to accept it, because there is nothing you can do @混乱In my opinion, he is a very capable worker, but he has to face the real life, he needs to work, not not reply to you
  13. I hope it is like what you said, but the reality will give you a heavy blow. You should know that China has already surpassed the US in many aspects. The US government's suppression of Huawei is a good example, but Huawei is still developing very strong and does not care about the US suppression,china#1 Do you know Fuyao factory? That factory is owned by China, and he has tens of thousands of American people working for him, earning money from the Chinese
  14. 操你妈个逼,你个傻狗,你这只臭老鼠 只能在美国的下水道生活,舔着中国人排放出来的黄尿液
  15. If you have a tin shack that you would like to sell, please contact me with a reasonable price
  16. I don't think cartel battles will change much, this is an RPG server, you should experience the fun of making money, have money and then go cartel fights, not some people think, fight while making money, then the server will lose its life,
  17. 操你妈傻狗,当你看到你的衣服  鞋子 裤子 你妈妈用的卫生巾,上面都写着中国制造时,你生气了吗?

  18. 操你妈个傻逼,你妈妈昨天晚上想跟我睡觉,我拒绝了

  19. @米奇 (IFRIT) 做得好 @石匠Thank you for serving everyone for a long time. I would like to invite you to travel in China, and I will pay all the expenses for you
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