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Everything posted by lukee

  1. lukee

    Oil Rig Redesign

    that thing is MASSIVE There is a platform to land, and a few other places to drop players off with a skilled pilot, also it will most definitely be fun to fight as it has many ways of pushing and many places to sit while defending (probably more balanced than the current one).
  2. https://imgur.com/a/jl15umc
  3. lukee

    Oil Rig Redesign

    I dont know enough of how the barrel running works, it can always be optimized to make it more practical.
  4. lukee

    Oil Rig Redesign

    u wouldnt tell the difference between playing on the rig then playing in kavala (by frame rate) if that answers ur question
  5. oil rig redesign (this one actually looks like an oil rig) Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/v0VRxCG It includes a spot for a boat shop, air shop, and includes 3 different levels, places to sit while defending and places to push from when attacking, the 4 spar platforms have ways of getting on to them, and climbing up to the 1st level, there is one way of getting from the first level to the second level, and the entire rig has semi-understandable details that are industrial looking and may actually look like they belong on an oil (not a giant factory and barracks building like on the old one). The balance between pushing and attacking the Oil Rig is thought for both sides, there are also spots where a helicopter can drop off players or they can just land on the helipad (which is not recommended while pushing players defending).
  6. I disagree, this will change completely how drug running will operate and will give no reason for gangs to capture the cartel for drug running as it wonโ€™t give them a tax, making drug running easier.
  7. I can make custom vehicle texture ๐Ÿ˜ณ
  8. Too small to be a 1c, it should be a .5 crate (500 storage virtual and 50 storage physical)
  9. The thing is, Iโ€™m 16
  10. #lukefordev https://imgur.com/a/PS5ZwtD
  11. Yeah but for how expensive the missile would be it would be a rare occurrence, and you have to consider the amount of time it takes to go load the missle for 5 minutes and the 10 second warning for who you're trying to hit to still be there when it hits. The artillery thing seems a little less realistic in the case of the server in my opinion.
  12. Itโ€™s not supposed to be a nuke but ight ig
  13. you can in like, every cartel?
  14. like I said, its not final. you read it right? "(All specific details of this suggestion is not fully thought out and can most likely be different)"
  15. yeah, like I said it can always be buffed or nerfed, im just sharing the general idea
  16. why would it be a mess? its basically a sui vest alternative
  17. forgot to mention 1 hour cooldown also I didnt put much effort into it tbh
  18. A new way of committing terrorism is using a old abandoned military facility was later taken over as a Rebel missile launch facility, the way you would use this facility (which is not a federal event) is by going to Black Market Production and crafting a VLS Cruise Missile. (All specific details of this suggestion is not fully thought out and can most likely be different) This missile (with a high weight) can then be transported to the facility. Once you get to the facility you would load the missle into the VLS which will take some time (maybe like 5 minutes) and then you would use a UI with a map giving you the option to launch the missile anywhere you would like. (before you think this is overpowered...) anyone who is in a 500 meter radius of where the missiles destination is, will get a 10 second warning on the top right of their screen (with a emergency broadcast system sound talking about incoming missiles or sum shit) And if needs to be balanced the missile can randomly hit within a small radius of where the target was chosen (5-20 meters) or the destination can be marked on the map. And the cooldown can obviously be raised or lowered. The risks/cons of using this facility will be: The Police will be pinged of your location if you have a bounty over 15,000. You will automatically be charged with Terrorism. Anyone who is at the facility can cancel the launch during the loading procedure at the same place it was loaded from. You cannot cancel the launch once the missile has been fired. Each launch will have a 1 hour cooldown before someone can launch another. The missile will be fairly expensive and difficult to acquire. The Benefits of using this system over a suicide vest is: You can do it remotely far away from anywhere you are launching it. Whoever you launch it towards will get a short warning. There is no risk of the missle not reaching its destination How it would work: Once the missile is fired, the VLS rocket will launch straight up into the air and despawn (as the actual missile won't be that) Once the time is up for something to be exploded a new missile will be spawned above the target and that will be used as the actual missile, as the first one was specifically for immersion. Concept: Can be named something like Abandoned GLS Facility, Rebel Launch Facility, or somewhere around those. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ilfLneC
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