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APD Officer
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Everything posted by hamsham12

  1. Calm down bro she doesn't like you. Also I vote for myself. Or if we can change topic to biggest retard I vote for @Napp.
  2. LMFAO, kid is such a dweeb.
  3. Regardless of your toxicity or attitude, if you got BE banned you SHOULD be banned. I'm sorry you are if it was a mistake so be it, that blows. However, others that ARE global banned should be that way as well..
  4. That's the problem with the admin team, literally a few of them know what the fuck they're doing, the rest are morons who have bias and will help their friends at any given point they can, regardless of what other admins say. If you're going to place and make rules, make it universal don't hold some to some standards and others to none.
  5. It's almost as if you could store gear there and spawn there, fuck that'd be OP if you could do that.
  6. I bet you're really fun at parties. It's pretty apparent you have never done a fed, it takes much longer than 30-40 minutes. edit: Although it may not contribute to payout directly, you should include actually how much time it takes to complete one fed. Grabbing all the gold bars, the setup process prior to even robbing it, and then driving to rebel and selling and dividing the cash. Due to this, the payout is even worse if you compare it to something direct like meth making. If the fed was something risky, but you actually could get out rather fast it'd be more worth doing.
  7. Message me when you're on, have been MIA past few days.
  8. Yeah, current offer atm is 750k. Will give it 3 hours from now before I sell it if anyone else would like to bid.
  9. oh sorry didnt realize i said he wanted to be a race my b
  10. whoever mix/mastered that should be ashamed also why do you want to be a black HOODLUM so bad?
  11. you're right dude, you're DEFINITELY up next my guy. gl
  12. you should remix your life and stop rapping
  13. when i play every player i fight is shroud, when you play every player you play is sugarfoot...can some1 explain?
  14. haha yeah, such a good joke, the joke went right over the other retards heads, i laughed soooooper hard! lol!
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