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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by ItsLego

  1. show me from map view please
  2. I'm looking for one bigger then that
  3. Looking to buy one on the same road as drug dealer.
  4. Lethal cap shouldn't be removed. That would just promote more lethals and less roleplay.
  5. +1 for this during breast cancer awareness month that would be badass.
  6. UC vans would be awesome. I really like the idea of SWAT vans as well but they are literally rolling propane tanks. I don't think that would be to good till they make them at least not explode when you bump them.
  7. They explode when you look at them though they are so easy to blow up.
  8. When we get bored pretty much we raced the clock and made it to sofia from kaval going all the way around the loop in 9 mins
  9. So we had a race from Kavala to Sofia and we changed vehicles at the checkpoints cars were lost. @Slade Wilson @Kevin Miller @Psycosis idk anyone elses tags but all in all was a good time.
  10. Lacie 500k Gonna need money to spend on hunters and orcas if IF I ever get SGT.
  11. Not everyone in this community is toxic some are rare gems. I have met a few people I would consider very close friends. I am very sorry this happened I hope you are ok. I couldn't imagine what it's like to loose a child. If you ever need to talk to anyone I'll gladly listen to you.
  12. Thanks cause idk how to do that
  13. https://gyazo.com/38cf4e118c828426e8ff896c6d7a6b42 @ACE_SCORPION
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