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LÉ Mark

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  1. In-game name: LE MARK Age: 17 Timezone: CST Hours on Arma 3 (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/343cac5384aa30026eb88ea51b902afb Previous gang affiliations: Blacklisted, Havoc, Blitzkrieg Why we should accept you: I'm a good shot and a good pilot. I also am fun to be around and everyone loves me Any extra information: Have houses in all the turfs and always am down for a fight. Also looking for some peeps to play other games with when not playing asylum.
  2. Just thought I'd voice a few suggestions to the Asylum team. 1: Switch out Donor 4 Mohawk with the Taru and Taru Transport. - Nobody Uses the Mohawk cause the windows are shit. If Donor level 4's were able to to use the Taru, they could have a large armored Heli transport option for both people and large vehicles. Also would motivate some people to upgrade donor levels. 2: More Skins for Vehicles - Don't know how this would affect the server performance but why do all the vehicles have to look so dull. I mean we pay decent money gaming wise to get donor benefits. Its not to hard to make some bad ass custom skins for our Helis and other vehicles. I see admins with them all the time so It can't be that hard.4 3: Re-Keying system for vehicles. So when you steal someones vehicle or heli then you can take it to chop shop and for a certain percentage of the original vehicles cost, you can have it as your own. May or may not be good for police vehicles although I think it would be dope as shit for civs to be able to have hunters, just have the skins get removed when they get re-keyed. 4: Make house slots increase by 1 or 2 past a certain donor level (like 3 or 4). 5: Ability to upgrade your house. So say you buy a 150k house. If you payed another 100k you will be able to put another couple crates in. This will decrease the amount of houses people will buy in popular areas. With the growing amount of players and no increase in houses, it will help the server out. 6: The ability to lock tents and/or add inventory storage. Also option to pack up tent when your done with it so it becomes usable again. 7: Increase firearms license cost. I know it's a little harsh but it will cut down on the noobish pistol bangers alot. 8: Let 40k houses hold 1-2 large crate(s). 9: Broken houses can be bought but only for spawn locations. (Rebel) No crates can be placed and house price is lower than others. 10: Keep the vehicles spawns at the cartel flags but put back the ones that were there before. A few people bought houses around those places so that they could pull out vehicles easy. 11: Let crates hold backpacks!!!!!! Just have everything in it disappear when server resets or you soft log like weapon accessories and stuff in vests and clothing if you don't remove it. Just a few I thought of. I'll add more if I think of them. If anyone thinks of anymore or really likes any of the above please say so in the comments!!
  3. LMFAO How do you get those big ass submarines in Arma????
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