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Everything posted by Trilligy

  1. Idk with the profile pic I keep thinking Krypton is Bikstok
  2. Uhh I didn't remove shit because I honestly don't care about who you are or what you post. But believe what you want
  3. If I could show you the numbers from Pre 6.0 and I mean 3 months before there was no spamming in not even on weekends.
  4. Honestly it is shit like this that makes me laugh.
  5. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I like those threads because I don't do much cartel crap so reading them gives some insight to things.
  6. Honestly don't know what happened to the cartel one, also for some reason people don't remember what Pre 6.0 was actually like I honestly remember near empty servers leading into 6.0
  7. The market is a problem across all the servers and is being worked on. People stuff not dropping was already given to him same as the vehicle problems. He has been working on these issues last few days and hopefully will push a patch to fix them "soon".
  8. It was a standard practice back when people used to jump out all the time to stank people or act as bullet shields for friends doing a PB. Also I don't really see the APD making a group just stay at the prison the whole time they play but that is for the new captains to really decide
  9. Paratus is the only one that actually codes anything to the servers.
  10. its not as easy to just change servers and we have some ddos protection but if you know anything about ddos protection it is very expensive
  11. http://www.gaming-asylum.com/forums/index.php?/forum/36-characteraccount-support/
  12. Moving to Suggestions and Feedback since this is more community feedback
  13. Its not locked so I'm locking this because its pointless to have 2 threads on this keep that one going.
  14. Why did you make a new thread? That thread should still be going unless someone got it locked.
  15. We just changed the siren rules on the server side of things to reasonable time and informed Jamooze as such so yes we will start banning cops for "Chirping" their sirens and getting out to shoot.
  16. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I don't have a yes or no answer for you because I just don't know depends on the traffic to the DB
  17. We tried to fix the servers but the problem isn't with the servers it is with the datebase not syncing with the servers and we don't have control of that.
  18. if it breaks again just flood every form of community communication like always
  19. The people that have the power to fix it have been poked and told. So it is a waiting game now
  20. Well guess we will never see you again....none of the tempest line is getting added anytime soon
  21. The reason people are saying this is because gang life is fairly boring and many believe it is hard to make money on the servers so they want better ways to make cash and the money cap removed. Cartels need to be changed more then just moving the cap spot every server restart, while we did listen to the people the first time about changing the passive gain from cartels because it was to much most people want to see something like it come back because well fighting is expensive. Most people hate the money cap but honestly it is living up to the purpose it was made for which is to stop people from being able to fight all day and they have to go make money. But, mainly many of the people who state the servers are dying honestly are just upset and think we don't listen to their opinions when most of the staff sits here and actually reads almost anything posted on the forums.
  22. 1. No taru was removed from the servers for a reason. 2. Paratus is very strict on mission file size he has done a few skins and plans to add a few more later on. 3. This has been asked for in the past and always comes down to the same answer which is NO. 4. Houses caps are set so others get the chance to buy houses. 5. Maybe wouldn't be a bad idea but might be a pain in the ass to code and crates would go missing. 6. Tents only worked for a short time and its on a long to-do list of shit he has to fix. 7. Go ask Rebels if they want to spend more on guns that are pistols and a PDW 8. Maybe only 1 crate really these houses are only to spawn in most people just turn it into a gang house. 9. Maybe can't really see a down side if someone wants to waste money on a broken house 10. Eh, those are far places only used for fights so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 11. Another thing on a long list of shit that needs to be fixed.
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