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Everything posted by Bersabee

  1. Where I see this thread going right now...
  2. I excavate and netflix... A lot.
  3. Ive run out of stuff to watch... Suggest please.
  4. I'll try to make money this week. If it's still up I'll buy it.
  5. Hmm interesting. I'll think about it. Need to make money first.
  6. I dont uderstand this laguage. This is how it feels like : http://hot.qianyan001.com/20160329/181970_1.html Try understanding
  7. As the developper of the server live's in Ottawa Canada, the servers are located in his region. Probably in Montreal or Toronto my best guess.
  8. I'll buy 150 rubber, so 195k (if correct) Ps. You guys should add oil since you get rubber with oil.
  9. Its not funny to make fun of the mentally disabled.
  10. Bersabee

    House Tour

    https://www.google.com/maps/place/Bruce+Wayne's+Residence/@42.762321,-83.2835739,3a,75y,152.34h,87.68t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1seK9_8zTeH7oAAAQvOrBWlg!2e0!3e2!6s%2F%2Fgeo0.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid=eK9_8zTeH7oAAAQvOrBWlg&output=thumbnail&cb_client=search.TACTILE.gps&thumb=2&w=129&h=106&yaw=83.13063&pitch=0!7i8000!8i4000!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x621ac62e50ef15c!6m1!1e1 House tour of the Wayne Residence #HYPE
  11. Ayyy first montage im innnn
  12. A 12 year old understands what a 20 year old doesnt. Have faith in the school system.
  13. Bersabee

    S5 comp?

    Well I didnt get comp and so did a lot of others. I also lost all my gang bank account + vehicles. Maybe if you guys would of gave me a notice I could of just done it myself properly. AND IT WOULD OF WORKED.
  14. Bersabee

    S5 comp?

    Ye ugh, If an admin can reply that would be great. If its not happening than I would just like to know.
  15. Bersabee

    S5 comp?

    As I read in a previous post, comps from houses on s5 were supposed to be done automatically within a week. I havent seen such thing done. Do we just make a comp request or something now?
  16. Ayy Congrats bby

  17. Politician. I fuck people on a daily basis. Why not do it legally as a profession? hehe get my joke. Politicians fuck you over hahahaha Im so funny Imma go die now.
  18. I got rid of the triple post. It was internet lag
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