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Everything posted by Ahm2d

  1. +1 there is only one rebel in this warzone island and its always camped i dont agree with this position because there is a gang boat next to it. I know some people will say go to another rebel but its too far away from the cartels and you need to push as fast as possible so you dont lose your progress and your just going from rebel to rebel just to get a kit because most of rebels close to warzone camped by bounty hunters adding 2nd rebel in warzone is a very good idea imo and will reduce the campers.
  2. after all what happened this guy is still loyal and love the community give him mod
  3. imo, wipping an altis server after few years is not a bad idea because it didn't have enough pop but coming back to another altis life is a bad idea imo. moving to modded is the best option its 2024 arma 3 and people dont want to start from the scratch again especially altis people are tired of it its very old nothing new.
  4. The packet loss is not the issue. Some people are playing from very far countries from USA of course they gonna have 200+ ping including my self. What im aware of there is already a Ping Limit if you get 300+ you get kicked and thats very fair for all players. If you have 20 to 100 ping and your fighting 200 to 250 ping players its not even that bad people are complaining because basically they dont want the asians on the server. If you insist to add a ping limit there is already on s2 for 300+ ping just add it to the s1 because i dont think s1 have any ping limits. Removing a huge amount of players from the server is a huge mistake that shouldn't be done because its gonna make the server die more than what it is now and the asians are huge part of the server and they are active players and the people who are complaining not active like the asians. This is just an advice from me to the staff team i have been around in arma communities long enough to know this is a big mistake and gonna lead the server to die more you guys need to think straight and make asylum a better place and add new stuff to the server and not to think about kicking some players from the server this will not make the server any better it will make it worse and will change the look of the server.
  5. What i know that your old guy like 30+ so im not gonna respond to you and embarrass you old fuck + Spend more 10 years in the game to get better until your 40 and then kys lol
  6. ban the guy who made the suggestion for racism asylum welcomes everyone
  7. carter i think we should open an arma 3 school to teach people how to shoot straight 10$ for 1 hour its good business think about it
  8. Ahm2d

    Casino safezone

    If you remove safezone from casino people will get robbed while gambling and a lot of people will camp it and wait for someone to gamble and rob him and will be like rebel outpost in athira and its not a good idea if this is the case they should add a rule after doing any illegal activity you cant go to any safe zone until 5 or 3 minutes passed or else they should get banned.
  9. Ahm2d

    Rebel camping

    Adding a rule says you can't camp in illegal areas is just stupid tbh. Its illegal area if you dont want to get killed then dont go to it or if you want to go you have expect someone is waiting right there and this is what altis has been for years changing it now is not a good idea imo.
  10. Ahm2d

    Changelog April

    now we are talking gj devs
  11. What big shawn said
  12. in my opinion adding s2 will kill the server even more because right now with 1 server its not doing alright in normal days only in weekends
  13. wrost idea for altis i have ever seen if you want this go play anzus
  14. alrriiighhtt bro
  15. server is balanced already? i dont think you play s1 that much its either cops too good for the small gangs and end the federal event in 5 min max or big gangs too good for cops they kill cops until they make them rage quit its been like that for a while. And since the server pop 40-70 make ctrg max 10 people until server pop gets up and add to that any ctrg member should not be in the apd and should not be in a gang
  16. no you got the idea wrongly, if ctrg align with cops then there is nothing to be punished for but if they align with gangs against cops then they should be treated like any other criminal if they did it properly and choose the right guy to lead it it will be a great idea as i said in the suggestion this shouldn't be copy paste like other server devs can put their own touches into it and make it a little bit different and make it fit the server perfectly
  17. In my opinion we are witnessing a very bad updates recently at least in my opinion for the last couple of updates it has always been a new federal event or new skins thats it there is no big game changing updates thats what making the server popularity goes down the only good thing in the last couple of updates is weapon sway thats it. Dont get me wrong we appreciate the devs and we appreciate the time they spend on the server. But what i see from my side a new faction would be a great idea a faction we have never seen before in asylum its called CTRG ( Combat Technology Research Group ) CTRG otherwise known as Combat Technology Research Group is a specialized faction that contains some of the best combat oriented people on the server. It will be a whitelisted faction that can carry out special operations with different factions and groups. CTRG’s main objective is to create a level playing field for all groups on the server. This is to try and keep one group from dominating another. For instance if a certain gang is obliterating cops then CTRG might align with cops, but if cops are doing the same to other gangs then CTRG may assist them. This idea is taken by other servers but this doesn't mean that you copy paste the idea you can put your touches and make it a little bit different than other server's. This will make the server more balanced and it might not fit asylum perfectly but you can make it fit no matter what and i know its gonna take time to make the rules and some rules have to be changed in my opinion this is a game changing for asylum and its a exceptional idea and in my opinion it should be done. CTRG has to have their own base and their own clothing and the guns its ok to have the same as rebels. We will have no problem if this idea takes 3 or 4 months to get it done. This will not effect the APD and ctrg shouldn't have more than 15-20 active members. Thanks for reading.
  18. unfortunately your opinion doesn't matter
  19. do i know you? trying to figure out who are you but i dont know you and unfortunately your opinion doesn't matter appeal again in 14 days
  20. Ahm2d

    Domination Updates

    1k kills for rpk is pretty low and everyone will complain about it i think 2000 kills+ is fair
  21. Ahm2d

    Domination Updates

    Reduce uncap time and add more guns for the srt because 500 kills is easy to get and most players can get it with a couple of doms and after you get 500 kills the srt will be pointless and there is no motivation for srt players. My suggestion add MK200 at 1000 kills RPK at 3000 kills and i don't know what guns you can add to the srt but srt need more guns and need high kill guns like the civillians have in their shop and there is no problem if you add the rpk or mk200 with a little bit high price for the srt
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