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Everything posted by Eddie

  1. +1 good observation
  2. Is this true or did he retire?
  3. Yeah unlucky, it fixes itself though.
  4. Not a clue what happened, I'm really interested to know. I know he was a captain, a hardass, hated by some, loved by others, and a lot more. But, where did he go?
  5. Eddie

    Debit Card

    30$ at my bank. Admin plz lock thanks.
  6. Eddie

    sea turtels

    You have to buy and SDAR, which is the weapon used to hunt underwater. It's illegal so don't let cops see that you have it.
  7. Eddie

    Debit Card

    Quick question. It's 25$ to recieve a debit card right?
  8. Yo bruv you TRIGGRD me into contemplating suicide. (One bad joke met with another, I kid my friend welcome to the community!)
  9. Eddie

    To Miss Evo

    The cringe is strong. -A hopeful anti-weaboo
  10. Eddie

    Weird ass film

    Bitch on the left looks like a straight up vagina.
  11. Eddie

    Sold an Orca

    Yeah chopping it gets you more money, and if that's not the case that's weird. I remember getting 60-80K for chopping a Orca I jacked from the FSA.
  12. Bic boiiii put yo hands up before I break you famiry in halve!
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