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they took the name eazy

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Everything posted by they took the name eazy

  1. imagine taking down s2 cause ur afraid people make money on a dying game
  2. the fact you went and purposely picked posts that didnt have what i said shows how obsessed you are, why are you still talking lol, so obsessed
  3. gnashes had it running smooth af buddy
  4. and here you are, still quoting me, lol. notice how on every thread i comment on, or make, you or ur gang quote me on it? but i never do the same back? thats called obsession buddy, go to therapy
  5. Connor you say that as if your gang isnt obsessed with me, absolute melt lol
  6. 1,319 posts and not a single bit of relevance, keep at it buddy!
  7. https://soundcloud.com/eazy666/whole-lotta-red-type-beat
  8. damn you finally changed your forum pic you had that tusken raider pic for literal years
  9. bro stfu you literally wouldnt stop talking to me when you were in velocity and requiem
  10. That bass is pretty cool, sounds like it hit suddenly, then slowly droops back into the background, then starts like pulsating, gives it that spooky spacey vibe
  11. great, so now i have to spam in 24/7 how fun
  12. its a slow one, hopefully i managed to dig a lil deep into your mind, i think the piano was eerily sad, matched with the bass to provide atmosphere. thanks for listening πŸ™‚
  13. almost as hard hitting as telling dog he’ll forever be an unknown in a gang filled with unknowns
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