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they took the name eazy

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Everything posted by they took the name eazy

  1. lol if you can't do in a bank with 7 or more cops on while in a group you must be god awful at the game, look at this video, im pretty sure bikstok did this solo
  2. good fights today, i liked there was no salt on side either for like 90% of the time
  3. kyt member bein civil????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? this is really something guys
  4. i have no idea who you are either, its mutual bud
  5. only reason i watched this is because i liked the song playing in background
  6. We dont have a training server Shame, i bet you lagswitch on training servers to
  7. dude, i aint going to message you like "Excuse me, Mister 64 packets, could you, um, remove the movie feature from your Frag Montage, so i can see if you yellow chain or red chain" three letters k y s
  8. bad, the only reason its meant to be a "movie" is because you edited out where the "red chain" or "yellow chain" would be, just kys
  9. Your first montage, is called "Asylum Montage" yet has CS GO kills
  10. +1 for my boi, really good player, knows all the turf callouts
  11. i know i know, my ban should be over soon bb
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