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Everything posted by Fluxah

  1. This is well needed for so many reasons, got multiple people at a fed and had to search a guy atleast 15 times cause every time I hit search someone would be charged with something and it would just get rid of the search menu so I was unable to see what he had for a good 10 mins. Keep up the good work and hope it's implemented soon
  2. I wanted to 50 cal at oil cartel to kill chinas and safe to say, it didn't work, plz fix, my 50 cal is still sinking to this day
  3. Been a damn long time since the Stratis group, miss playing cop with DrGe and fighting the pistol bangers on civ also mass meth runs with like 25 HEMMT Box's
  4. Been a while since I've played Asylum, re installed Arma for the first time in ages last week and although the servers have been like normal, overall enjoyed being back and seeing so many old faces around. Also #BringBackStratis That is all.
  5. they only use it for peak NA times atm, normally around 11pm ish UK time if that's any help, I had to sell all my houses on there and lost a fair chunk of money from doing it
  6. it's not actually up perm like the post says, it's only up during NA Peak times
  7. Can we get an update about this "S3 permanently open" I only started playing again the other day, heard the server was back up permanently so bought 5 houses etc to play on S3 yet it's been down for almost the entire day unless I play until 2/3am which with work just isn't doable on a daily basis, is this just for the first week or so or is it going to be a regular thing if the server has low pop?
  8. I just re installed arma today, last launched it feb/march 2016 lol
  9. best part is that your profile pic GIF is going in perfect time with the beat of the song for me
  10. long time no see bois, good luck might jump back on soon
  11. shoulda thought of that at the time.. damnit how you been tho bb, long time no see
  12. server 2 was lagging like mad, landed, tried to store my jet but it wouldn't store so got bored and flew back off, and this is what happened.... https://gyazo.com/c53c49c321f8245ef714f3cf5350854f
  13. it has 3 crates in the housr right now... so no.
  14. the house holds 3 crates and has 3 inside currently
  15. ok, so first, when people run, you cannot restrain them while they are moving, so you should be able to down them, simple as that. on your 2nd point, running out of the jail, yes, that is good, if you manage to juke the jail guard or somehow escape and run away, fair play, but when people are exploiting, jumping over fucking buildings and flying 300m in the air to land outside of the prison, or getting friends to knock walls over, then exploiting through a wall to get out into the yard and run away that way, that is what is broken.
  16. isn't really one, they're all different suggestions
  17. I have a few suggestions for cop on Server 6 Aussie life, mainly for the jail. 1) Make it so we can down people in jail, I get why it was made so they have god mode, but when people are trying to evade in jail, or are trying to exploit out, or just any other reason, we cannot down them, and we have to corner them and chase them to restrain them. 2) Be able to reduce people's time in jail, I get you can pardon them, they can re-log etc, but being a new server, some people legitimately have no money, and cannot pay the $1,500, and I feel it would just improve the RP, honestly, being in jail on cop I have had some of the best RP in my entire time on Asylum, it's extremely fun both for us and the civilians, having an option to reduce people's jail time by, for example, 25%, 50% or 75% for good behaviour, or whatever reasoning you want to put on it. 3) Have the cafe actually have food and water in, either a vendor, or just have a scroll wheel option on the actual cafe table itself to "eat ..." or "drink ..." so prison inmates or officers can get food or water if they get close to 0 whilst there. 4) Fix the fact people can escape by literally walking out, an idea to do such are adding a concrete wall the entire way round, filling in the gaps, to ensure even if the wired fences are knocked down it makes 0 difference. 5) Move being able to press plates outside, they can gather the metal outside, but they can only press them inside, which is kind of a lengthy process, very lengthy, and would require us letting them in/out constantly. if anybody has any more suggestions please feel free to post below or support any suggestions you like, any suggestions I see that people like or I think would actually improve the prison I will add to this original post
  18. with the fact there is always 20-30 cops online, 24 hours a day, and more than half of those are just patrolling the drug fields over and over, there seriously needs to be more ways of making money, all the legal ways either make next to nothing now because of the market, or are being camped by other people and you die when you finish your run, anything illegal, the cops will come back every 20 minutes non stop and catch you in no time at all.
  19. there is no way to make money, anything legal you get robbed, anything illegal cops are camping it
  20. and its gonna make things a complete cluster fuck, it'll just be pure aids, the map is humongous, spread things out, make people use the other parts of the map instead of just one small corner
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