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Everything posted by Fluxah

  1. Good to see the brothers have returned, welcome back
  2. Back in the days of DHM, honestly some of the best days of asylum were on server 5, can never be topped
  3. I genuinely wish it would come back was non stop shit going on
  4. the good days man lmfao, I miss the old Asylum community where a gang had each server
  5. Have a good one brother, hopefully still cya around on the TS
  6. be careful he might kick you off the server for getting in his ifrit after tryna RDM you
  7. I still use them for a few different things, nowhere near as much as before but still used. But seeing as everyone has gone now as well as the meta, dont see why it cant be dropped down
  8. I feel like this is a key bit cause if you start the bank with 10 cops on, 6 log off a minute before the bank ends so 4 are on when you finish and it only pays you for those 4 people will complain, but also if you start with 4 and instantly 6 log on for back up so you fight 10 cops then get paid for 4 people will complain...
  9. Try when there are almost 15 of them in the same convoy all fully geared in pilot coveralls with MK's shouting "OU DIE" at you
  10. Fluxah


    Yeah going purely off the fights against them I'm pretty sure none of them cheat in arma but some people are really good at hiding it and only use them to give a slight advantage so it wouldn't surprise me with the asylum community How it is these days lol
  11. "you and your shit gang" you mean when I was solo fighting and you hid behind a qilin for 10 mins while your friends came to back you up? my recoil ain't the best but also by far not the worst, so I'll take that as a compliment, thanks pal
  12. No idea who you even are tbh sounds pretty accurate, surprised he isn't banned yet honestly
  13. I mean you kinda have to kill us first...
  14. He CL on sheriff rick yesterday cause he got downed by a sting
  15. Missed you atmos bb, plz no ban
  16. @JillaTijd Just so you are aware, no Ghosting was involved in the making of this video. 100% best cartel strat EU
  17. Fluxah


    when we were fighting them last week 1 of them team killed repeatedly during fights and straight after got kicked for a gamehack then perm'd, they don't seem like they're hacking from the way they play though unless they're hiding it well
  18. most definitely, I played with Brotherhood a bit originally, still miss playing Insurgency with DK and a few others, then the AMW merge made S1 aids as hell for a while lol
  19. The old days where gangs used to control their own servers was the best, Server 1 was Innovative, S2 was FSA, S3 was Bad Blood, S4 was Regiment, every server had their main gang that controlled that server for the majority of the day, I know in Regiment people would pay us for protection on their drug runs, if cops came to coke field, they would text us and an orca full of us would hot drop on the cops, break them out of their cuffs and let them go etc, there was always a lot more to do and the game was definitely more enjoyable, unfortunately most of those gangs disbanded and players quit the server, then gangs would switch servers and do 20 vs 20 cartel fights on another gangs home turf and all have fun, gf's at the end, I don't see that coming back though, it's too far gone from that to go back now. And to the last part, no.
  20. Wasup bro I started off the exact same for the first few months at least
  21. I wanted to 50 cal at oil cartel to kill chinas and safe to say, it didn't work, plz fix, my 50 cal is still sinking to this day
  22. Been a damn long time since the Stratis group, miss playing cop with DrGe and fighting the pistol bangers on civ also mass meth runs with like 25 HEMMT Box's
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