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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Hiraku

  1. You seem like the kind of guy who presumes the APD is aids because theyre doing their factions job, which just happens to be stopping you.
  2. Theyll be autodownloaded by the new launcher. No need to preinstall them.
  3. Are you trying to say Status_Access_Violation is a cheat crashing? Oh jesus.
  4. Shit like that makes me fucking angry. I dont give a shit if people insult how I play, ill trash talk back. But if it starts to branch into someone's personal life the admin team needs to step in. Its a line that should not be crossed.
  5. I actually went on today, busted 3 guys at cocaine processor, got 50k in seize money, let them go with their truck and with half tickets then logged off. Im done for the month now.
  7. Couple NV guys got permed for lag switching or something similar it seems.
  8. They were the ones who demanded the damn cap in the first place
  9. So, None of them? Although in my experience 3s cops tend to be pretty good at RP
  10. Im not a sgt and have no intention of getting it.
  11. Yup. I mean shit, the Division beta was 26gb alone, and thats only like 1/10th of the game content wise lmao
  12. And with the new launcher, that really isnt a problem for about 95% of the community.
  13. Honestly I still don't understand why chief was removed. Was a fine rank in my eyes. And honestly, if you think only captains know what makes a good captain you're a bit of a fool. It's a leadership position in a video game, it's not massively special, and the captains are primarily there to make sure the APD is a good gaming experience for the officers and civs, not to act like an asshole with a stick up their arse because they hold pretend power in a video game. A captain who is voted in by the populace is most likely going to be one there to have fun, and keep a balance so the APD and civs have fair, honest treatment. Not to throw points around because "Muh authority"
  14. As mentioned in Ed's retirement thread, I think it would be nice if the new captain position was put down to an APD wide vote, rather than just the LTs. Here is what I propose: Obviously there will be flaws and is totally open to criticism. All SGT+ Members of the APD are eligible to be nominated for the captain position. (I think anyone lower than this hasn't experienced the leadership area of the APD that would really be required) All SGT+ Members of the APD are eligible to nominate someone to be brought into the voting stage (Bar themselves). If more than 10 people are nominated, the 10 with the most nominations are picked. All Constable+ members of the APD at date of voting opening are eligible to vote (How this shall be done would be down to CMs, though I suggest anonymously and linked to forum account, to stop duplicate voting). Voting period would be 1 week. Person with most votes wins, If a tie, a second tiebreaker vote will take place. Of course, CMs reserve the right to pull out a candidate at any time, as there may be underlying reasons of why x cant become captain. This should probably be in the officer section, but everyone's thoughts count. Feel free to move.
  15. > Announced the fact that asylum is starting to accepting mods, changing the landscape of the entire server >People still complaining that the update didn't contain cartel shit Christ you fucks are so entitled its actually cringeworthy.
  16. The dark zone is very fun. Mainly due to the fact everyone seems to go rogue and then you destroy them.
  17. Sojobo is about as good as his internet. :^)
  18. Gonna be downloading it definetly. Anyone know if its any good? Heard mixed reviews
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