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Everything posted by sydewaze

  1. Well I gave it my best, but accidents happened and Kavala corrupted me. It was nice meeting all of you and the experiences we shared, but I've had multiple complaints of rdm and that is unacceptable. With my last request for an appeal denied, I wish all of you the best of luck with becoming prosperous in Asylum. Goodbye
  2. https://www.neweggbusiness.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4PP2WJ2399&nm_mc=KNC-GoogleBizMKPL-PC&cm_mmc=KNC-GoogleBizMKPL-PC-_-pla-_-CPU+Thermal+Paste+%2F+Grease-_-9SIA4PP2WJ2399&gclid=CNWmtbX-h84CFc5gfgodQ_YDkQ
  3. I would say wait for the next generation after Pascal architecture, squeeze out every last breath from the 760
  4. Have you overclocked your processor? Are you just trying to get more frames in Arma 3 or Future games to come? Is SLI an option for you?
  5. Military grade 8/7 mm thick full hooded diving suit with a re-breather attached and carryall. Players wearing this setup shouldn't be able to run after getting out of the water for a good 10 minutes. That suit would be really heavy and even fatigue an advanced diver
  6. hop on server 4, I am roll-playing as Buffalo Bill from silence of the lambs and I need more skin to sew my new female roll-playing suit. We can meet in Kavala square, I'll bring the correct tools, just bring some fava beans and a good wine.
  7. Peaches are more addicting than cocaine. Make peach farming illegal.
  8. yeah, they probably aren't going to stop making them anytime soon, it's a huge cash cow owned by disney. But hell it's star wars!!
  9. I just wanted to publicly apologize to @Beenie and @Zoex and maybe give a little hindsight to players dealing with a ban or ban appeal that they thought was unjustified. I came at the moderator who banned me with a strong attitude and undermined his wisdom within the Asylum universe. This was wrong to do and I dealt with my frustrations in a very immature way, after talking to them and realizing what an ass I was earlier I learned to trust in the staff here. They probably have to deal with a lot of bullshit on the daily basis to keep the servers running smoothly, and they are sacrificing the pure fun of playing the game to deal with politics instead. If any player finds themselves in my situation, take a break, message the admins in a calm and justifiable manner, and trust that they are doing whats best for the community as a whole, and that they want you on the servers, playing by the rules and having a good time. Perception is everything
  10. Please sell clickbait on the altis market I'm running very low
  11. weird I dint see it at the clinic, thank you I will look again
  12. can confirm, surfers heads are full of air
  13. that kid's smile at the end
  14. none of there shots hit me but they were clearly shooting at me and then the officer was killed. How do I initiate with RDM'ers and still protect myself? They wouldn't listen to me if I told them to stop shooting at me, seems obvious if they are willing to murder innocent people
  15. if i rush out of hospital and am immediately get shot at in a crossfire scenario and a cop gets murdered rushing out behind me, am I allowed to shoot the people who killed the cop? this scenario all played out within 7 seconds without any words exchanged by anyone.
  16. does saying, "you should put your hands up" imply he had a choice?, also no consequences were said to him as a result of non compliance. "you should" that sounds like advice to me
  17. i had alot of fun shoveling feces into my bucket and it seemed to be quick easy money for hard working Kavalians. Ta'jon knows what im talking bout
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