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Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Fried Rice

  1. I think they are a new vehicle
  2. Wow awesome! Thanks for adding more stuff to do!
  3. What kind of vehicles will there be? Like hemmt size or box truck size
  4. This actually sounds really cool! Will def be doing more oil.
  5. Fried Rice


    Looking to buy a shed in S1 Somewhat near pyrgos or Rodopoli
  6. All the servers are broken atm nothing is working and its super laggy
  7. Yeaaaaa i often do crank up there I put an rv in the back of a hemmt thats filled with the suupplies
  8. Heroin should not move tbh Sofia is like dead
  9. Just wondering, any idea when the cartels will generate money again? It feels like if you own the cartel during the week you won’t make any money. I’d much rather have to go collect it at 100k and defend it then get 1k an hour when no one plays.
  10. I wont give you 200k ill give you like 150 most
  11. Kinda useless to own on a server that is dead
  12. This patch broke server 1
  13. Hey Welcome to the great life of altis!
  14. @bamf I am able to log into the Asylum website now through steam!
  15. Hmm the server keeps getting a red chain and like 4 people loose connection it only lasts for 15 seconds
  16. So far pretty good just some minor d-sync
  17. I just have a question, I have not played in quite a bit but ive seen the servers are very slow and laggy. Is there something we can do to help that? Can we donate somewhere?
  18. In-Game Name: Shit Talker Any other previous names you have gone by: Walter White Heisenberg Gustavo Fring Arma and Asylum Hours (approx.): 1000 arma hours and 700 asylum Have you ever been Banned? If so, why? yes Rdm i dont give them enough time to react Current/Past Gangs: Onyx, Drunk Squad, Bad Company Devils Birgade Do you have a Mic and Teamspeak? Yes What can you bring to ATF? A good shot, a team player and a person who takes really good orders xd
  19. Nice dude, Some really good shots loved the vest at the end XD
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