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Posts posted by LennieTheLegend

  1. 2 minutes ago, Coyote said:

    Decent idea. The only real issue I have with this, personally, is increased attacks on HQ while trying to process other people that turned themselves in, or were caught with a relatively low bounty (or just in general, with a bounty), and re-direction of duties. Meaning, police will now have to be more occupied with another major RP scenario, which will take away from general duties such as 911 Calls and Patrolling.

    Well look at it this way, the island is literally Swarmed with rebels, so realistically the Police would be under attack a lot. It would require a lot more thought from cops and they would have to be more safe when processing at HQ. HQ would need locked down any time there are prisoners that need brought to the main prison

  2. Here is my idea in a nut shell, when you process someone at a HQ and "Send to Jail" it puts them in one of 10 Temporary Jail Cells that are located at every HQ. In order to have them serve time in a more secure PRISON and lower the risk of an easy break out, you must transport the prisoners from the HQ to the prison. This could make for more realistic combat situations, and would require a police convoy to provide security on the way to the prison. If someone is breaking out of custody during a prison Convoy they will have their orange jumpsuit on and be charged with prison break as if they broke out of jail. The HQ jails will be low security and only take 5 minutes to break everyone out. If you want to eliminate this risk you take the high priority targets directly to the prison. When you transport prisoners you should also get a payout that splits between all officers. This idea can be HUGE for both rebels and cops alike and I know it will spice up rebel and cop life giving you multiple chances to break someone out of police custody. 

    Hydro, Hennessy and /|/|0T4RD like this
  3. 1 hour ago, Plus One Chromosome said:

    Can we just talk about how utterly fucking stupid it is that police can respawn in 30 seconds and come back to continue fighting? Yesterday we were running coke through Athira, killed 4 cops, they all came back while we were fighting the last one (about 1.5 minutes later). They shouldn't be able to spawn in Athira HQ if they just died in Athira. Thoughts?


  4. 35 minutes ago, Dpatt711 said:

    Great way to drive new players away. I'm sure people who can't afford to participate would love to be forced to log off every few hours to avoid being murdered. 

    If you want a successful purge event it will have to meet the following criteria

    1) It must be optional, players not wishing to participate should not even realize it's happening.  

    2) It must not require a player to use their own funds.  

    3) It must be infrequent enough that participating every round is reasonable and not tiring or repetitive.  




    None of this makes total sense. If people do not wish to participate it's EASY as driving out of town where a majority of murder will happen. 2) If you do not have the money to participate ( a rook is like 2k ) Then Don't until next restart.  3) How would it get tiring or repetitive, people fight the same cartels, banks, prisons and do it because the fight is different each time. Thank you for your input however !

    Big Bird likes this
  5. 2 minutes ago, Noobious said:

    This would be good but not after every restart. Maybe twice in their term, but not every restart please. 

    I wanted once per restart because like in the move it is ONE NIGHT PER YEAR, an aslyum year could be viewed as a restart being it happens every few hours. Also giving people who can only play a few hours the opportunity to participate 

    Flax likes this
  6. th?&id=OIP.Mf9a7eab4e8b5bdcba1af9fc17a51

    Everyone loves to do some killing, especially without initiation. I think it would be sick as hell if the governor had the ability to legalize a purge every restart, the purge would put up a 5 minute warning (At the 15 minutes to restart warning) After the 5 minutes is up and there are 10 minutes to restart The Purge Begins. The purge ends on server restart and no bounties should be added during this 10 minute period. As far as people not wanting to Purge, they can hide in their homes as the people do on the purge movies while the psychopaths rome the streets out for blood. This could add another reason to vote or to not vote for a governor and would be a good time. As far as Cops go, Cops should either stay out of the purge entirely or join into the purge as a team of crime fighters. I know it seems a little bit much, how ever there used to be an event that was called the purge and EVERYONE loved it. However for my version of the purge I believe people SHOULD NOT be supplied with crates of guns, but have to pay for the guns themselves as they would in real life. Just a fun idea and it can obviously be tweaked to work better for all players.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Sugarfoot said:

    Ive played on shit altis life servers that have things at skip tracer base and its very much balanced and fun provided the cops have proper rushing vehicles. Instead of giving swat retarded armor and guns they should receive proper vehicles. Multiple hunters and striders with smoke, and some mx's and mxm's.

    That wouldn't be a problem if people didn't camp rooftops where the hunters and striders don't do anything. Swat 7.62's are necessary to eliminate the pilot of the getaway orca, if the orca's glass wasn't as strong I would have no problem with swat getting all 6.5's.

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