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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Ray.

  1. gangmates are looking for house there but you're asking way too much.
  2. Ray.

    Donation Question

    nope. they are separate.
  3. American sunday afternoon with friends here in Czech republic Do you feel that freedom?! We do... #starsandstripes https://youtu.be/hJmnojtqNT0
  4. okay I will let you know am also interested in another one.
  5. So whats the minimal bid?
  6. I would say blacklist those smart officers insulting another officer in public thread. If you're that person who needs to do this in suggestion thread instead of telling it to Mahdizzle "face to face" you shouldn't be part of this family. I don't know if you're jealous or what, but you should keep those thoughts in your head. Thats my off-topic suggestion. @Stereo
  7. yea lets call this "blue oyster" thread. We can employ male pole dancers wearing cadet uniforms, play that sound he's requesting and ask devs for huge disco balls to put there. I'll donate my shed into this so we can hang out off duty. Might be called Not a Blocks palace.
  8. we are all officers here sir, not prostitutes.
  9. Hey Johny why you did not put your hands up? Look what happened... Ka-boom Dork!
  10. Yea counted with replies like this
  11. Mr. Jamooze and his beatufil pursuits... We were rolling on highway from AIR HQ towards Lakka checkpoint and he decided to make evasive maneuver and ended stuck under this bridge lol. Btw he got discount for this picture. @Jamooze.
  12. I thought he's better pilot than driver
  13. am on 24 hours shift and will be home tomorrow in the morning CET. So I'll be waiting for highest bid. Also let me know if someone interested is an eclipse member.
  14. beautiful 70k house 200m from wongs, right next to jewelery store. You can put 2 crates or barrels inside and let your scotch age. Also can have your loadouts in the middle of Altis. waiting for your bids. PS: Its also listed on the market.
  15. super cheap coveralls for 50 bucks on the market right now
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