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Posts posted by speed

  1. EMS whitelisting will most likely never happen.

    I don't feel like it would be fair to make players to have to go through the whitelisting process anyways, because we don't currently offer enough content to the EMS role.

    With that said, I've got a list of changes I'm planning on making that I hope will make the EMS role more fun, more beneficial for others, and less attractive to trolls.

  2. 12 hours ago, LaGrange said:

    This is the new build. Anybody see any issues here?


    The 780 is almost 3 years old now, and you don't need that mobo (you're paying an extra $100 for features you probably wont use).

    I also replaced the CPU cooler with the 212, which is significantly cheaper and very common in air cooled builds. I convinced Durga to buy one and he likes it a lot.

    You could potentially save a little on the case. If you're willing to spend an extra $100, get the 1070 instead of the 970.


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