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APD Officer
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Everything posted by OgreTV

  1. When Cory used his ultra mech to take down mega asshole, he showed that even villains deserved a second chance. In naruto the hentai, you get only bad guys that stay bad guys or something
  2. That was so hard to watch, even though it was a whole 30 seconds short !
  3. OgreTV

    The Car Thread

    Ogre had to get a new car after he fucked up his beloved 2005 Malibu :/ Love Chevy, and was interested in pickup trucks, so went with the 2015 Chevy Silverado. On horribly windy days it gets 17 mpg, on ideal conditions, it's been 23.5 mpg, love it! will repost after a few more decorations are added. Wow am I late as heck. here's a link
  4. Irony is all Ogre can muster for this fellow. You, so hard to spell out simple words?
  5. Ogre has never even heard, or seen any of your stuff before This must be a funny right? "You don't even go to this school!" kinda deals?
  6. Usually see montages from rebels in very high positions killing cops that are trying to respond to "MUST RESPOND" situations like banks anyway.. Isn't it funny to see someone comment about taking advantage of not so organized persons and putting them down? Mad because cop, that's what Ogre thinks. ps. Out of likes for the day :/
  7. Koko had Ogre's back hah, got the big bad guys that killed him, good shit Eptik. Also usually don't like the raps but this one did a sweeny throwback, nice.
  8. First 52 seconds of Chris video made Ogre hit pause to brace for more cringe.. Gold stuff! Goldberg, that guy, oh god lol first minute thinking maybe he's just awkward socially.. Then he becomes jerk, asshole and unsociable asshole the next two minutes, hah, this is perfect material. TYTY
  9. Atleast Shiseki doesn't do borderline rape things like this Still looking for that debate by the way, Shi, about the legitimacy of CITH and Korra being anime or not.
  10. Good source Olivia, ty, already frustrated with some of the things seen there! MSNBC really has been crazy lately...
  11. Ogre wanted the killings, he got the killings from this video But the music, he took a toothpick to both ears, only one way left to make memory of bad music go away.. Damn it krypton!
  12. Hah! Ogre did find something, while the reviewer and the content isn't exactly disturbing, Ogre finds the fanbase for these things generally scary so here's a video he cringed through.. People actually barking and howling through the movie.. Good god..
  13. Ogre needs to find cringe videos that really get him to face palm because he's stuck at home for two more days thanks to very bad illness. Please send help.
  14. Ogre can attest this is wise advice Ogre bought his pc, and it was expensive. Found out for the same price he could have easily afforded some of the best parts out there if he did it himself. Goldberg also has great suggestion, sites like the ones he linked can tell you what part will fit, and mass order the parts for you. Awesome people here.
  15. Because RISK.. The thing rebels complained about lacking when people pulled justice wagons out.. Without the chance of losing that 100k orca, same argument given for when they said you couldn't chop a justice wagon!
  16. What is the consequence then for reckless taunting of officers? Flying over their heads when they have guns.. They shouldn't be able to get away with it.
  17. Maybe not recently but ogre remembers many of times orcas danced over cops trying to shoot for the tail rotor or sadly the pilot.. They were going née née.. While cops got frustrated because flying tanks were the meta for harassing officers
  18. Ogre think he means, people don't fear getting shot down by cops before because only 32 or so people had ability to down pilot easy, rest was luck or really well placed shots and Arma physics. In real life, helicopters usually face surface to air missiles which almost guarantee if air space has enemies who are hostile on ground, someone going down in style.
  19. Ogre has an opinion too Krypton make more mlg Montage videos with the epic musics Also ogre believes salt is a major economic resource which may have renewable energy possibilities. Important for keeping asylum green one day?
  20. Interesting counter suggestion, hmm.. Only problem from Ogre's point of view is the lack of automatic charge. There'd have to be a lot of incentive to have human meat on someone other than, like Ogre, to just carry it around and hope an officer finds it on him. Will admit that the prospect is beyond funny, "Alright routine search and, Woah woah what the hell is this? Oh god what did you do Ogre?" "OGRE HAD to have snack...!!!" Otherwise, the idea of going around harvesting a bunch of dead kavalans for their meat would be Ogre's new hobby. Storing up on illegal meat hah..!!
  21. Instead of fearing the lone crazy bounty hunter looking for an unwilling buddy, or the Kavala Gang looking for trouble, you can now add to your possible threat level a hoard of cannibals kidnapping officers and bambies for a cult style execution. Ogre isn't the only one that wants to see this!
  22. Once upon a time, thread like this existed on old forums, before a clumsy hacker deleted this suggestion, along with the rest of the old forums. So here we are again, to suggest a mechanic that could change the dynamic of Civ and Cop interactions within beautiful Kavala.. Ogre is suggesting a mechanic that restores health and water at the cost of another person's health. How it works is if person is restrained, you could do just about anything you want with them.. Is it impossible to consider that kidnapper can slowly kill their captive over time? Cannibalism charges wrack up per action. It could be instant or a channeled mechanic that takes some time. Each bite restores 25 food and 25 water while taking away anywhere between 25 to 40 health. Consequence of doing so would be an automatic charge applied of Cannibalism which ideally stacks. Feedback on previous thread had requirements for the mechanic. One suggested you could only do it outside of towns, similarly to execution. Another suggested it's a very serious and personal crime so the weight should be heavy too, 12,500 per charge like kidnapping. Lastly, another person suggested you require tools, like a skinning knife or something. Sadistic human being, Hungry Cave Ogres, Rabid Dogs or even Zombie roleplayers would benefit from such a mechanic Paratus. Please make this happen?
  23. It's only game, Freshlynsane shouldn't be mad
  24. Ogre believes admins are lazy on twitch side, if not outright assholes. Hoping sojobo has account back soon 8(
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