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Everything posted by william

  1. I can't fly and drive, but if i cant shoot then why do i always kill like 5 of your gang during a fight? When you actually do fight that is..
  2. Why does the word "clan" make me cringe?
  3. william


    fixed that for you.
  4. william

    Take Care.

    NO! FUCK YOU! DON'T DO THIS TO ME you gonna make me cry o7 lad i will always love you <3
  5. rather spawn donor, get meds then drive there
  6. Dont get too salty. ik it was a good roast but still m8 calm it
  7. gay when fucking FSA come to cartels as bounty hunters tho, although at least they are coming as something i suppose.
  8. Your a girl no balls must mean little to nothing to you hahaha
  9. If someone no balls'd me to RDM gnashes i would do it. I would be a fucking Asylum celebrity fam.
  10. -1, completely retarded, knows nothing of cartels. but he is sexy <3
  11. how many times must i 1 tap you for you to stfu.
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