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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. Next update/patch/fix update. We should be doing it today at some point.
  2. In 30 minutes or so the server will go down for a bit as well as TS3. We're going to do further diagnostic work on the server to determine why we're having packet loss issues. Looks to be an issue on the OVH network. As one node has 20% packet loss:
  3. @Ignis @Boon - Can we get this number formatted with two decimal places please.
  4. What the fuck did I just read. How does a trial by combat factor in here? Or a bank robbery vs self turn in? We need more great suggestions like this in the future. Thank you for your time. We’ll implement this soon.
  5. Think you meant to post this on the Minecraft forums.
  6. I'd like to keep the unprocessed stuff in there. As it's still perfectly sellable once processed. This event isn't meant to be just grab the vehicle and sell it immediately. It's meant to make you think and do some guess work and planning. Not like everything else where it's the same each time. I guess the only thing that may disappear is the uranium since you can't store it in homes at this current time. I don't think i'll be adding any as scopes for some can be classified as junk loot if you will. Would rather not clutter an already potentially verrry full inventory with optics and junk. Uranium I understand. We'll probably remove that. However, gold bars just come down to the fact that it takes time to sell. As said above, this isn't meant to just be a quick loot and sell event. I know the inventory stuff sucks though. Not much we can really do in that regard, as if we allow multiple in it at once we'll just see dupers all over the place.
  7. More than likely we'll be making adjustments, so don't expect it to always be like this lol. However, as stated when we released: the seized gear and virtual items do go in to it and it does roll over restarts. We may put caps on some items to prevent too much "junk" loot (2k lock picks) and prevent some items from entering exponential values. For example, we may convert bank notes in to gold bars, once it hits x bank notes, etc.
  8. Don't they make 3rd party apps for this?
  9. Thought about, yes. Discussed, not really. Mitch and I talked.
  10. Were you around for Asylum Exposed? lol
  11. Yeah. That's actually at @Mitch (IFRIT)'s new place. I'm riding his tractor.
  12. @Patato Said he's going to expand on crafting. His PC fried though a while back, just got something back up...
  13. Basically dude. Helped out 3 days this week for like 26 hours. Picked probably close to 800-1,000lbs of just regular big red tomatoes. Not including the Romas, qt size ones, and all the other produce that comes around this time of year. Did squash, mini pumpkins, etc...
  14. Early, late, next year. All the same thing.
  15. Sorry asylum has entered end of life for its cycle and is now on life support with Bada. Updates will resume when Paratus returns for more money.
  16. Arma is so dead bro. It's hard to just even be here now. A wiped server, people will play for a few minutes then go back to where they have stuff... It's the same reason people don't play brand new servers and look for full populated servers..
  17. When you cancel you can select at end of subscription or immediately as well if I recall
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