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One Eye Jack

APD Officer
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Everything posted by One Eye Jack

  1. I don't have enough popcorn in the world for the hurt this mans bottom feels.
  2. I wouldn't even trust my best friend with more than a dollar. Yup.
  3. First person = man/woman status 3rd person = boy/girl status
  4. Says the guy who makes a subversive comment, and then gets butt hurt when any type of reaction happens. It'd be like if I walked up to you in public and called you a random derogatory name, and if you said anything back, I was like "woah dude, didn't you notice my nuance?!". Do me a favor and get a sticky note, write "irony" on it and paste it on your forehead so you see it every time you wake up in the morning. :-*
  5. There is nothing RP about someone having worked in law enforcement. Keep the snark to yourself.
  6. No amount of money (within reason) could protect again DDoS protection regardless, when it's a public server. All they need to do is just flood the system with packets and given that it's a public server, it opens it up to easy attack. (It's always funny when hosting companies claim to have DDoS protection). The sad part is that most of the DDoS related attacks are from butt hurt eleventeen year olds buying $2 injectors to mess with the server, because they were banned for scripting or some other stupid reason that they fail to understand. The solution to DDoSing is...finding these kids, tying them up with razor wire and sticking them in a basement in Iraq, so they can starve to death and get eaten alive by roaches and rats. #feedthemtotherats
  7. Donation stance? You mean, monetary stance... And where in my comment does it say "give us more servers"? Or are you that quick to fire off a defensive comment without stopping to take two steps back and understand the understanding of nuance? No need to get salty. We're having a discussion, not an argument.
  8. If you knew the amount these servers were pulling in annually...you'd shit your pantaloons. It's well into the six figure range. (INB4 warning)
  9. Increasing player cap is not easy (don't let them tell you they can't, because they can). But as things are lately...with the god awful quality of the servers, I would not be surprised to see a dramatic dip on players over time to more stable servers. People are only able to deal with technical issues for so long before it just becomes a complete waste of their time. The boost in money from items such as keys, etc will hopefully be put into bettering the servers (I know I could personally build a rack to host 100 players smoothly for under $30k). It's truly not a great feat when you have access to funds, to build 3 new racks, rent an apartment that has access to fiber connection, set those up in said apartment and hire a part time IT to manage and maintain said servers with the total funds coming in each year...with PLENTY left to go around to the owners/staff after the fact. I can personally attest, as I know someone who does the very same thing in relation to renting public server space to various clients all over the world. However, depending on other companies to funnel your traffic, etc without having direct access to said servers (I.E. renting a server from something like Fragnet, Gameservers, etc....for this type of traffic...is a GOD AWFUL and insanely half-assed way to deal with the problem and save money). But hey, i'm not one of the men/women behind he curtain, so who knows.
  10. I was an officer in the Boston Police Department for a little over 2 years, and within that short period of time...you would not believe the type of down right circus level excuses i've heard. These clips are just a sample...I mean think about it, this is just the type of shit caught by one camera, in a country with thousands of cops. I've got stories for days and days.
  11. It's as simple as treating it like a double edge sword. People who are filing a report of "robocopping" should have to have solid evidence of their claim. If the claim feels slandering, they are subject to a penalty in some ways. This would hold people responsible for not only robocopping (by actually cracking down on APD who are doing it) but people who are abusing the reporting system simply because they're butthurt, etc. THE SOLUTION IS DROP DEAD SIMPLE! You hold APD officers more accountable (they're NOT above the law, and even as a soon to be constable, I have zero issue with this in general) and you tighten down and start setting examples for false reporters. But regardless of everything, if you need money that bad while playing as a cop...you're doing something wrong. I'm making absurd amounts of money in my cadet week right now, and if i'm dumb enough to blow it all in CIV in a few days when I can go back...that's my own damn fault.
  12. I can't help but laugh at one major flaw everyone is missing here... Why aren't punishments more severe for trigger happy cops? This is the age old question that comes down the pipeline into real life... I.E. Take away citizens rights to have guns, it'll magically decrease crime. Keep citizens rights to have guns, it'll magically decrease crime. Raise minimum wage, everyone makes more money, inflation kicks into effect to keep a large portion of businesses a float. ETC ETC ETC, it goes on and on and on. It's a two sided argument where both sides are right, and wrong. I'm just surprised at the fact that everyone is pretty much saying "because of robocopping, we can't do X, Y and Z", when in reality you're admitting to giving into those players and in turn...punishing those of us who follow the rules. Perhaps the answer isn't so black and white, as in "keep/remove or increase", but maybe the answer is within the method itself. Since becoming a cadet 3 days ago, i've already earned over 300k... If cops are that hard up for money that they're willing to break the rules for pure profit, then they simply should NOT be on the force. Period. Increasing the 5 minute wage in stressful areas such as Kavala and Georgetown should be a thing, and for bounties in excess of 150k, it should go into a "processing" state to pend investigation by a higher up, to deem that nothing shady happened during said arrest/lethaling. That seems to be the only way to deal with the problem, other than removing those who seem to be in it for pure profit, and not the enjoyment and betterment of the server. After all, what were you asked in your first interview? Why do you want to be APD. And i'm sure as shit sure if you just said "to get rich off of virtual money that means nothing in the real world", you would have been denied on the spot. So why does that change after you've become an officer? It's totally mental if you break it down and think about it. In the end, players such as myself and others I know, are here because we want to have fun, learn things and give to the community. If you want to make money so bad, there are plenty of other options in Altis/Tanoa to do so...but I guess because they don't give you a hard-on with power and ease of access, it's below you? Either i'm missing something here that everyone else sees...or the answer is staring everyone in the face.
  13. I 2nd this. We just processed a guy worth almost 500k, and out of the 10 officers who were online...we each received only 15k each! We had spent countless resources and time trying to detain this guy, with large amounts of officers and citizens being downed non-stop. It was certainly a bummer to see the amount we ended up with after that.
  14. Some great dudes in this group, though i'd surely like to pee all over the feet of a few guys in particular. But hey, at least it's pee and not poop.
  15. Never doubt 3rd person view, ever. You're still a bunghole, but this gets my props.
  16. Correction, it seems that it's either glitched or temp. disabled, as you can no longer put the barrel in your boat (it just vanishes). I'm surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet...but then again i've only looked around a small bit in regards towards it.
  17. I'm one of your new resident "friendly" citizens. You can find me out in the field picking berries and giving hugs, whilst always obeying the law to the maximum extent. I swear.
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