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Everything posted by Jwilly

  1. @House. @TheCrestedPenguin i really dont get how the argument even happened or what the point of it was, it is obvious that the cops need more training because they can soft log and drive to the bank within 2 mins of it starting, and their loadouts cost nothing so they can come back 10+ times and somehow they still manage to lose.... however i completely understand that it would be hard to get people to actually come to the trainings,as it is not a requirement, and i wouldnt say he is a bad lt or spineless because people arent showing up to his trainings because some of the cops could care less about swat or actually winning a bank they just play cop to be a cop of you know what i mean.
  2. Look at the god tier quick peak at the beginning
  3. Well i mean he is asking for suggestions, just not suggestions for the servers...
  4. I like indian field mice they are very playful, but if u want a calm and collective mouse get an african pygmy mouse!
  5. Yeah because a rasberry margarita cost more than mango margarita...
  6. Thats a very good point, i didnt really think about that....Maybe training should be something mandatory like constables have to attend like once every two weeks or something. Would be beneficial to both the cops and rebels if more cops knew how to approach the bank/fed and prison.
  7. Teach your cops to not suck and rebels wont get as much free shit. It is obvious there is more constables than any other rank(because they are lowest rank aside from cadet) but most of the constables are actually terrible and need to be taught better techniques for dropping out of swat striders and quick peaking and what not. Most of the time a bank or fed or prison goes down it seems to me like the only ones who do anything are the corporals+ ranks, 90% of the constables just run in like tards. Im not saying all cops are bad im saying cops attack the banks and such in an uncoordinated fashion and many of them dont know basic techniques that may be able to allow them to actually do something other than get killed. Idk when the last time the cops on s1 have actually caught us at a bank, they just always do something stupid when they show up. (Like snipe from 1.5k out or drop out of a strider in the fuckin open) Im not sure what they are taught in swat training, but if it is anything useful it all goes out the window when they show up to the fight.
  8. The music made me feel like i was waiting for a livestream to start
  9. bring him in for some toxicity got talent? @Revenant @eduardo_carvalho16_11 @noizze_killa @James Ford @thero @zaney I could use some competition...
  10. The mac dad will make you TRUMP TRUMP Daddy mac will make you TRUMP TRUMP
  11. Is this like arcade music or what
  12. Nice shots, great song!!! 10/10 pls make another one of these again
  13. What is plz no toxicity supposed to mean?
  14. I like how addon thinks he is the shit
  15. Idk how ur in it , ur literally terrible
  16. Stfu all i ever see u do on these forums is go around suckin everyones dick
  17. Three words.... Worst in Prime
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