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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Cliff.

  1. Lol. Free Candy is my favorite, but all of them are good.
  2. Lol, that was a fun time. Getting sent to jail for a Hit and Run and getting picked up by the Barbie Strider and Sad Pepe Huron was pretty interesting.
  3. @Sr_Sinful I've posted the map view of the house. Not selling it for market price, but I'd be happy to negotiate a price for you or anyone else. 270k is the set asking price just in case anyone goes to buy it while it's listed, but i'm open to price negotiations.
  4. I just have them pay me first, then I throw the stuff in their car. Simple enough for me and I get paid
  5. Are you a gang banger trying to get a cheaper loadout after getting rekt at a cartel? Are you a pistol banger in Kavala who wants to move up in the world? Or are you a bounty hunter who wants to pack some extra heat without losing your license to do it? Regardless of what you are, I present to you: Cliff's Arms Dealership! In this post I will do my best to detail my business and my wares, as well as keep them up to date with new gear and policies. If you wish to make a purchase, then you need to understand the rules in which I will deal with you.These rules are non-negotiable, and violation of any one of these rules may prevent me from dealing with you again. If you wish to order something, please PM me on the forums or if you see me in game (I only play civ on server 1). Please use the order template to place an order. I will try to meet all orders within 72 hours. I will PM you if I am unable to meet an order. ____________________________________________________________________ Order Template: In-game name: Order: Date Needed By (MM/DD/YYYY): Time Needed By (Use Eastern Standard Time): ____________________________________________________________________ Policies (last updated 7/16/17 at 5:25PM EST): You are responsible for your own transit to a location that either you or I designate. The default location for all transactions will be at the Kavala Gas Station. I do not hold any responsibility for loss of property that you are at fault for. All transactions are client to dealer payment first. I will not, under any circumstances, initiate hostilities with the APD or other players because of your actions. If you show up with a bounty and the APD/bounty hunters come after you, then you are on your own All prices are set and-non negotiable. All transactions are money based only, unless specifically specified otherwise. All transactions are final. Refunds will only be made when I am at fault for destruction of property. File a compensation request if your property was lost due to server issues or other players violating server rules. I have a double refund policy (money only) in the case that I am at fault for the loss of equipment that you've paid for. All clients and escorts are to keep their weapons lowered or holstered unless we are under attack. ____________________________________________________________________ Merchandise (last updated 7/18/17 at 3:16PM EST): Weapons: 26 AK-12 ($8,000) 1 Katiba ($6,500) 2 Police MXM ($50,000) 2 Police MX ($30,000) 3 Police SPAR-16 ($20,000) Ammunition: 110 7.62mm 30Rnd Magazines ($200) 43 7.62mm 20Rnd Magazines ($100) 7 6.5mm 30Rnd Magazines ($100) 4 6.5mm 30Rnd Non-lethal Magazines ($100) 15 5.56mm 30Rnd Non-lethal Magazines ($80) Sights: Holo Sight ($500) ACO SMG ($500) Gear: 9mm Suppressor ($5,000) Police NVGs ($1,000) 2 Police Vest ($25,000) Police Uniform ($10,000) Police Baseball Cap ($3,000)
  6. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House House Size: 70k Location (Town/DP#): Kavala Asking Price: 270k Description: Sits right on the MSR in Kavala. Has two storage containers; one a barrel and the other a large crate. Neither the crate nor the barrel have anything in them. Pictures/Video Walk-through: Front view- https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/831328995018791678/FB587A4CF428224D3BD5BF6136D13F3FC67FB729/ Back yard view- https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/831328995018790044/D0F0FD123ED715DE19FB1DB5E059D55F874F2B6D/ Interior view (with crate and barrel): https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/831328995018790846/1563B621058DD070340AFAC4A41CD50499077587/ Map view: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/831328995021268638/1CBD6416B6CC05214C99209DFF106D2D0AEE4E29/
  7. In-game name: RBG Cliff Age: 19 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): 1148 (as of 7/14/17 at 11:38PM EST) Location/Timezone: South Carolina, United States. Eastern Time. Past/Current Gangs: 101st Airborne (Server 2- disbanded), Disiciples (Server 2, active) Bank Balance: $1,275,000 Do you have a working mic? Yes Why do you want to join Network 7? I want to join a gang, and I have a few friends in N7. That, and everyone seems to be pretty chill. What can you bring to Network 7? Stale memes, bad puns, and below average combat talent. Are there any current members who can vouch for you? Moses and Yorrick
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