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Everything posted by Wubz

  1. And for anyone wondering why I just randomly do 360's, I'm not sure why or when it started and I don't notice myself doing it in game, but If I had to guess I'd say I do it to stay focused. I never knew how much I did it until editting my clips.
  2. I don't play siege much anymore. Search for an org to sponsor myself for Battalion 1944.
  3. Pretty sure I won. and you had 0 kills
  4. Having a 30+ person gang get limited to 12 people on at a time definitely was a big reason for gangs dying. I can give you atleast two gangs that ran into issues and have essentially died because of it. I do agree that is isn't the main factor but it definitely wasn't just something that was there as a slight inconvenience.
  5. In fact, playing on an even playing field against your own kind, you didn't even get out of gold last season, and are barely plat 2 this season with a 55% w/l
  6. You are NOT diamond "for anyone askin" Ping starring on NA Servers as a European and getting diamond by playing low plats and golds does not make you a diamond.
  7. stop trying to be funny pls.
  8. I love threads where irrelevant people argue. How ya'll doing I don't speak Swedish but I'm pretty sure you need to Aktivera Windows, Theo.
  9. Obviously the helicopter shit was stupid. But I remember Haych had a huge list of stuff that should be added or done that a huge part of the community agreed on but I don't remember a lot of stuff being added or worked on. And I don't remember the kids name but I've seen a guy recently making a list that people seemed to like. If I find it I'll reply to you with it.
  10. Everyone must have ignored where I said I respect you and Bamf for trying, and I can see you're trying. Only seeing the negative of what I say like that retard Clint.
  11. I'm only "dredging up the past" because I clearly never saw that message before and was never corrected, leading me to believe what I was told by Serpico and others. I deleted the serpico part of my statement but my point still stands, if Jesse did almost everything for Olympus, then whats Asylums excuse, and I also know that help has been offered to asylum and it was declined so everything in my statement is still correct except for that part about Serpico deving for olympus.
  12. also where has he corrected me before? https://gyazo.com/bc0642e42301136fb796cfa00bfe219f
  13. Then whats Asylums excuse? Doesn't change the fact that help was offered by people who could've helped.
  14. ? I don't know what you did to my quote but it's fucked up and out of order. But if I'm wrong, please do correct me.
  15. Since you know absolutely fucking nothing, let me go ahead and address your stupid ass. People have offered assistance, people with great ideas and the know-how to code those ideas. Serpico and others were shut down with no explanation if I was told correctly. I remember when Gnashes used to come in the FSA teamspeak and talk about how he didn't have the power to update Asylum's code and he had to wait for Bamf or Paratus to push the updates so nothing ever got done.. They aren't making thousands of dollars off of Asylum because they haven't given the community any of the content they've asked for in 2 years. They could make almost the entire server happy by simply going to the suggestions page, and give the server what they want. I do speak for a lot of people in the community, and I know I do because I've seen the same shit typed up a million times. I know atleast 2 gangs that would return if the server wasn't ran into the ground. Also, I literally said that I support @bamf and @Gnashes because I can see that they're trying. I then apologized for being an asshole about it. Then gave them a suggestion about how they should go about things. So before you come over here drooling over your keyboard like the fat little lazy eye'd retard I almost guarantee you are, go back to school and get the reading comprehension of a 3rd grader.
  16. Wonder where Ken got the black MX. Everyone knows you greedy autistic cops don't drop them. I've sold enough cop gear in my time to know something is sketchy. Unless you guys' are on cop, in which case you should be demoted.
  17. also, someone is duping the fuck out of the Raw goat meat..
  18. @Yung Spacegod. @eazy kind of upset to see you guys playing with this Grizz retard. Poor kid seems autistic.
  19. I know it seems like i'm shitting on you just for the fuck of it, but that's not my intentions. I entirely support you for trying to better Asylum as you and weeb guy are the only two who do anything for it after it was abandoned. I see you're trying, and I apologize for coming off so aggressive. I just don't agree with the way updates are being pushed out. I understand the servers need to be paid for and they probably aren't the cheapest thing in the world, but I feel like if you pushed out content that people asked for (Millions of suggestions around the forums so don't ask me what needs to be implemented because I barely play this game anymore, I'm just here for the community) and then asked for donations for communal benefits, it would go over so much better and people would actually want to donate for a server they actually know is going to get developed the way they want.
  20. There is not 400 people who play these servers lmfao.
  21. No one wanted group cap to be minimized. You killed gang life, and now want 2 grand for +3 slots. Blackmail isn't the right term but you know what I mean by it. Focusing on performance? I tried to come back and play for 4-5 days during Christmas break and the servers went down atleast 5 times in an hour, I didn't have these issues on Olympus throughout the break so what is Asylums issue?
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