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Removing house upgrades ?

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Is there any chance of adding an option to remove house upgrades? 

like i know most people bought the crypto miner to check it out to see what it actually is but have no intention of ever using it or like have bought a house with greenhouses / lead containers and all that stuff and don't use it who have to pay more on the electric bill for something they dont use

So adding an option to remove upgrades would be a nice addition if at all possible (No money refunds on removing said upgrades though) that way people don't just try to make their money back and try to avoid paying the electric bill eveyr 7 days and then reinstall

SuperfarvaOG, AND, Donald and 1 other like this
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i think you should get 2-3 days of initial purchase date to refund it with 100% cash back, 7 days at 50% and then after 7 days you get nothing.

once you refund it, you cant rebuy it for 1month


means people can try something, if they dont like it they haven't just wasted hours of grinding money for it.


anyone caught abusing it cops a 3day wipe 🙂

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7 hours ago, Crossfade said:

i think you should get 2-3 days of initial purchase date to refund it with 100% cash back, 7 days at 50% and then after 7 days you get nothing.

once you refund it, you cant rebuy it for 1month


means people can try something, if they dont like it they haven't just wasted hours of grinding money for it.


anyone caught abusing it cops a 3day wipe 🙂


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