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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Crossfade

  1. This ^^ should be the 2 active captains prior to wipe who get to choose 3 LT's and 2 sgts (who had previously held the rank) and then 1 chief of AFD and assistant who can choose 2 paramedics. the rest should be starting from constable or emt
  2. tbh you must be pretty retarded to think that grinding money/civ exp/honor on a 10 year old game is shit anyone is looking forward to speaks for its self. regardless of the game, if people enjoy it enough they will do it?
  3. You must have never heard of runescape.
  4. soo 4.5k hours for 400k civ exp?
  5. human language? what's human language? are you alright in the head buddy
  6. the thing is your ping is low, when it comes to EU/AU players it becomes unbelievable.. i posted a video of me shooting someone 10-15 times he turned around 1 shot me then a solid 10-20 seconds later he died to my original shots it was unreal...
  7. the Chinese/Japanese/Cantonese/anythingese should just go back to the Chinese asylum server they created years ago and leave the English speaking folks 🙂 fuck u all
  8. can we keep that shit outta here? its a NA server not a fucking Chinese server.
  9. just incase nobody else mentioned it this is a NA server... thanks for coming to my ted talk
  10. why did you not warn us before the meeting that it would be recorded? what if i dont want to be recorded? as my right as a human being i shall not be recorded... even when i rdm/vdm/be racist in game i shall refuse to be recorded. jk. no banaroni
  11. just leave the car there? thats what every other cunt does
  12. English mother fucker do you speak it?
  13. the difference between 30ping and 130 ping is not as crazy as 30ping and 300 ping. the worst part is there is a select few that play consistently with 180-240 ping that aren't Chinese. for me as an example. i get 240 some days. i dont make or break a fight. ( yes i know im not god tier cartel fighter like yourself) But when there's 10 of these cunts running 300+ ping who dont even know enough English to communicate other than HANDS UP OR DIE it makes the average players experience cancer and it also makes or breaks a fight when your a gang of 3-6 up against them. how do you expect the average player to have fun on the server when there's 10 deep with 300 ping lagging around the cartel/event 1 shotting you, while tanking 10 to the head.
  14. id rather 3 people than 300 Chinese faggots
  15. I feel like medic items in houses are a huge waste of space, defibs 20weight, blood bags are 3, trying to kit out of houses is super heinous because of it especially if you are using them to make money etc - would be cool if medics could install a medic box in houses keeping all the medic items in within the box doesn't add any weight to the house. installation of this box would require a medic to do and at a high cost to the home owner. 250-500k per box, 1 box per house allowing the storage of 10 defibs, 20 blood bags, 30 adrenalines, 50 faks. (numbers are just a suggestion)
  16. when are we gonna see what we have in our houses? sick of seeing this shiet
  17. Crossfade

    Store script

    +1 also removing from exchange should be moved straight into the vehicle.
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