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Introducing Sandwich :D

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For starters, I'm not a big fan of forums or introductions. But I'll take a stab at it.

Introducing the man, the myth, the reeeeeetardddddd........ sandwich

Who am I:
Hola, my name is Stephen, otherwise known as 'Sandwich' I'm not sure why I call myself that... But I do. I'd like to start off with my background with RP types of games. It all started about 8 to 9 years ago when I first really got into a game called World of Warcraft. I became instantly addicted and wanted a "stress reliever," for a lack of better wording. So I looked into private servers because f*ck having to pay for retail. So I found a server that was strictly RP-based and was capable of supporting 250 people at a time, which was currently unheard of for private servers. I got my self in and came up with the RP name 'Casper' because I myself... Am white(Canadian). Long story short, I became an administrator and overlooked the community at the age of 13. By this time, I was already feeling like a champ because I had responsibility on a game(kill me). So I spent the next 3 years hanging out with them and playing various other games but just like people, games die too, and the server was unfortunately shut down due to "copyright" issues and other things.. I started getting into console games at that point and dabbled into TONS of FPS games such as Battlefield, Call of Duty, and Halo just to name some. So after a few years of that, I moved over to PC again and started to delve into the world of ARMA and now I'm here. :D!
TL;DR -> I started playing nerdy games, then console games, now I'm here.

What do I do:
Well I get asked that a lot since I do multiple voices in games and mess with people in a comedic fashion... I am a self employed voiceover artist for multiple YouTube channels and have done work in the TV/Movie scene. The way it works is that my "boss" gets me a script that was created by another one of the people we work with and then I sit back and read everything off in a "cool voice" aka narrator voice. It's decent money, but I'm slowly working into better positions!
In game: I started off playing ARMA as a civ and realized I was too new to get anywhere, so I found out how a medic is done and decided to play the role of a field medic named Chang. I used a somewhat sadistic Asian accent to coax people into either laughing their ass off, or slowly walking away because it was different (my in game name at this time was "Steven Chang Nicholson"). I later found out the requirements of how to join the APD so I started heavily studying up on ALL the handbooks and after the 14 days, I got in. I now role as Cadet Sandwich haha. I get abused as the lowest rank but crack the whip when people try to catch me off guard with a question.
APD Guidebook: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JHiFbRVPZ3GIJ0Lv-r38-vNPL75VEy1bP4rYV5xkTnE/edit#gid=862952358

What does the future look like?: Hmm.. Well I plan on streaming daily and uploading actively. I have tons of ideas planned for what I could do on ARMA and all the funny moments that have already happened with all the great people I've come across recently. I guess time will tell haha. But there will definitely be some awesome videos. For example, I want to be the (hopefully) first one to make an Asylum Movie. It would be all types of emotions, comedy, seriousness, and other things. That would take long, yes, but would be sooooo fun to make since I love editing and planning out things. Maybe one of you who are reading this would like to hit me up with ideas or even take part, who knows.

ANYWAY... Thank you for taking time out of your RP filled day by reading some semi-irrelevant intro! It's been a pleasure so far to play with everyone who I've encountered and I hope to see more of you out on the beautiful scorched landscape of Altis!

Emma, goyney and {Harry} like this
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32 minutes ago, hamsham12 said:

Give us some of your voice acting work, would love to see it.

Here is the most popular one. It's about sex... XD

My online alias is 'GamesDoneRight' you'll here in the outro. I've done the most recent 15 or so videos for them if you want to watch more



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3 minutes ago, Sandwich said:

Here is the most popular one. It's about sex... XD

My online alias is 'GamesDoneRight' you'll here in the outro. I've done the most recent 15 or so videos for them if you want to watch more



Nice man, was thinking more of a morgan freeman golden type voice.

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