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New Event?


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So I've been a new member of Asylum servers for a few weeks now and I have noticed a few of the same Admin events here and there and they're quite fun, especially as an officer taking some time off to hop levels on a quad and blasting sirens or playing civ and cleaning toilets or having a go-cart race. I have a new suggestion, I've noticed this on many role play communities and I believe it would really be an interesting spin on the life of altis. In this event, players will engage in a role-playing event in-which one person will receive an infection to which they have  the scroll-wheel ability to bite others and spread a viral infection to which the governor (if on), the highest ranking officer, or an Admin may name (unless they wanna see creativity) that creates a canabalistic rage. A.K.A. a zombie event. As more are infected and it becomes apparent that something is of ill-matter, a news alert with the standard amber alert alarm and message will appear, warning individuals to stay in-doors or any other additives. This event could create an all out, more hectic environment (especially in kavala) that could simulate a real-world outbreak. All infected are given an alternate skin and are initiated will all. Cops may set up designated areas to protect civs and scan(search) civs to check for viral infection until it rises into the full effect in the individual in-order to prevent spread. During this, people may freely protect themselves and officers and EMS may purchase hazmat suits. Probably a little much, but I believe it would be a fantastic little surprise to altis life. 

Edited by Flameless
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@TheCrestedPenguin Individuals with a more developed state of infection basically become zombies. I don't mean for everyone to become frantic and gung-ho. Just a simulation of an early stage of the walking dead. It lasts for 20 min, the rules of initiation still apply, though not for infected individuals. Of course the infected can only bite, though they should be given increased abilities of travel in-order to compensate. Increased running speed, little to no stam. degeneration. Idk, anyone may take it from here. 


This is exactly what I mean :D


Edited by Flameless
Minor adjustments.
Bama, BioHazard and scen7edcandle like this
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Good idea, but; what's to stop someone hiding in the middle of nowhere and then claiming the reward? Or for someone to camp the ladder of an office building/roof

53 minutes ago, Flameless said:

@TheCrestedPenguin Individuals with a more developed state of infection basically become zombies. I don't mean for everyone to become frantic and gung-ho. Just a simulation of an early stage of the walking dead. It lasts for 20 min, the rules of initiation still apply, though not for infected individuals. Of course the infected can only bite, though they should be given increased abilities of travel in-order to compensate. Increased running speed, little to no stam. degeneration. Idk, anyone may take it from here. 


This is exactly what I mean :D



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On 9/16/2016 at 4:35 PM, BioHazard said:

Good idea, but; what's to stop someone hiding in the middle of nowhere and then claiming the reward? Or for someone to camp the ladder of an office building/roof


I never had the idea of a 'reward,' moreso, if you made it, then you made it. :lol: BE HAPPY YOU SURVIVED.

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I saw this post a while ago but I forgot to make a response.  I really enjoy this idea and I think we could make this a thing on the Altis life server.  Also, while the infection was spreading you could maybe say the military had dropped crates all over the town, or give survivors that last longer more gear.  While this is going on the Police could try to control the situation with their hazmat suits and 6.5 weapons.  However if the hq is over run the cops could not respawn at Kavala hq and they would have to survive like all of the other civs.  I think this is a pretty cool idea and I would love to see it implemented into the game.

-Sorry for responding a little late!


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