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CAR-95-1 - Crafting Exclusive

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In the current state of the server we have access to 2 LMGs, the LIM-85 and the MK200.
Both are almost never used as they are not as powerful as a EMR or a Mk18 and both need a cartel to be accessed (you can craft the LIM-85 without the cartel, but can't craft mags or buy them without Arms Dealer), also they are very expensive guns with very expensive ammo.

So the CAR-95-1 is a 5.8mm that holds a 100 rounds magazine, making it the weakest of all LMGs, with a low ammo capacity and a low caliber, but it compensates a bit with the build-in bipod, and that is probably the reason that this gun is not on the server, it is very militaristic looking.

So my idea is that the CAR-95-1 could be added as a exclusive gun to the Black Market Production, with it only being obtainable there, this would boost the player production, player trades, as people would certainly sell these to people that don't like crafting.

The materials could be in the lines of: CAR-95-1 - 20 Meth. 100 Round Mag - 2-3 Meth(following the materials for the current LMGs).
Another method would be combining heroin and cocaine(as we don't have a recipe for 5.56s and the default CAR-95 right now), for example: CAR-95-1 - 15 Unprocessed Cocaine and 15 Opium. 100 Round Mag - 4 Unprocessed Cocaine and 4 Opium

I really want to see a bigger variety of firearms that low/mid-tiers rebels use, and this LMG for sure would be help.

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3 hours ago, Haych said:

I'd rather see the Type 115 added tbh. 6.5, slightly better than the Katiba, no clue why it's not on the server. Anything that will boost the use of guns below 7.62 is always a positive thing.

I would love to see it added too, i think it's not in the server as it's a prototype weapon used only by the CSAT chinese special forces, but if you don't have the .50 ammo available, it's basically a better Katiba that weights a little more, for me the price could be around 8k-9k

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6 hours ago, Foamy said:

LMGs need to be expensive or they'll be abused. Nobody uses them at cartels period this gun would be added and forgotten about so fast no need for it.

This weapon is more of a option for the low/medium tier rebels to use, so they have a bigger gun variety when doing turfs, cartels etc, not supposed to take the place of the EMRs that high tier rebels use

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