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Geo Application - Team Berry


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1. In game name Geo

2. Age 18

3. Hours Played(With Screenshot)  452 https://gyazo.com/b823e080d44f899f921903b9fd6b70a8

4. Time Zone - Central

5. Availability - weekends all day weedays 2-3 hours depending on the night

6. Bank Account Balance 120k

7. Cop Rank/Precinct none

8. Cartel/Bank Experience i took a small break from asylum to get to know altis life a little more so i played on other servers that were easier and got to know them... so a pretty decent amount

9. Why do you want to become a Berry, and what do you bring to the table? I would like to join team berry because i was looking for a big, already developed group to play asylum with, so i can reach my full potential and help other people as well. All of my hours have been doing some sort of combat scenario, so i am used to the controls and very smooth when in a firefight.

10. How did you hear about Team Berry, and were you referred by anyone? I was fishing one day and kahn was out in the ocean where i was and he asked me for a ride. i said yes and he hopped on. He asked me if i wanted to make good money and i of course was interested and within 2 hours we were already robbing the bank. I had a great time playing with them, but i felt like i was dragging the team down because of my lack of knowledge about the game, so i went on other servers to try and learn. I also played with leviathen and had a great time.

11. Previous Gangs I created a gang of 8+ people (on a different server) but it all sort of fell apart because none of them were patient enough to actually play with me. (that is mostly the reason i am applying in the first place). Nothing really official, but we called ourselves Altis Rebel Force (yea i know original right!)

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